Merna AbouEl-Ezz
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Law at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Law at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD candidate in Social and Political Sciences at the University of Lausanne
Research project Translating communities: How LGBTI* advocates in transnational advocacy networks shape national social and political landscapes
Senior researcher at the Gender Centre
Research project: SWIFT: Supporting Women-led Innovation in Farming and rural Territories
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Law at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in Anthropology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Postdoctoral researcher at the Gender Centre
Research project: SWIFT: Supporting Women-led Innovation in Farming and rural Territories
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in Anthropology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Relations/Political Science at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Research Affiliate at the Gender Centre
Assistant Professor, Institute of International Relations, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (IRI/PUC-Rio)
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Relations/Political Science at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Research project: Caring to Survive, Surviving to Care: Gendered survival practices, social reproduction and circuits of violence in Ukraine
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Relations and Political Science at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in Anthropology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Research project: How to Pass as an “Authentic” Queer? Queer disruptions to truth and credibility assessment within asylum procedures
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Relations and Political Science at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in Anthropology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in Development Economics at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Relations/Political Science at the Geneva Graduate Institute
More information
Research project: Gendering Survival from the margins
Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International History and Politics at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Research project: "Le Savoir et le Faire": Decolonisation and Geneva as a Third World Development Studies Hub, c. 1961-1981
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International History and Politics at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Relations/Political Science at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Research project: Gendered Governance of Microfinance: Transformation of rural finance in/ by the Indian State
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International History and Politics at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Research project: Decolonising the Psyche: The Politics of Ethnopsychology, 1930-1980
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Relations and Political Science at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Research project: Gendering survival from the margins
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International History and Politics at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Law at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International History and Politics
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Relations/Political Science at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in Development Economics at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD researcher in Anthroopology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Research project: FamilEA
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Law at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in Development Economics at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International History and Politics at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Research project: Decolonising the Psyche: The Politics of Ethnopsychology, 1930-1980
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Relations and Political Science at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International History and Politics at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Research project: Re-Constructing and Re-Imagining the Matriarchal Community of Mahari-Devadasis: Gender, Subalternity and Human Rights Projects in Postcolonial India (1947–2015)
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in Development Economics at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Relations / Political Science
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in Anthropology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International History and Politics at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Research project: RE:SHARE. Race and Ethnicity: Sexual Health and Reproductive Experiences in postwar Britain
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in Anthropology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Postdoctoral researcher at the Gender Centre
Research project: RE:SHARE. Race and Ethnicity: Sexual Health and Reproductive Experiences in postwar Britain
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in Development Economics at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in Anthropology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Senior Researcher at the Gender Centre
Research project: Caring to Survive, Surviving to Care: Gendered survival practices, social reproduction and circuits of violence in Ukraine
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in International Law at the Geneva Graduate Institute
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in Anthropology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Research project: FamilEA
PhD Affiliate at the Gender Centre
PhD researcher in Anthropology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Research project: Fertility on Ice: Medicine for Demographic Anxieties? Modern Reproductive Technology of Egg Freezing and Reimagined Traditions in Japan