Agnieszka Fal-Dutra Santos

Agnieszka Fal-Dutra Santos

PhD Researcher in International Relations & Political Science
PhD Affiliate, Gender Centre
Spoken languages
English, Polish, French, Spanish, Russian
  • Gender, Class, Race and Intersectionality

PhD Thesis


Title: From gender-responsive provisions to gender-equal peace: Exploring the implementation of gender provisions in peace agreements

PhD Supervisor: Elisabeth Prügl

Expected completion date: 2025




Agnieszka Fal-Dutra Santos joins the Graduate Institute after eight years of work in peacebuilding policy and practice. This included oriented action research on issues around gender and peacebuilding, and implementation and monitoring of peacebuilding programs in over 15 countries. Agnieszka’s research uses qualitative and quantitative methods to explore the factors that facilitate or hinder the implementation of provisions in peace agreements that address the unique needs of women and advance gender equality (gender provisions). In doing so, the research also critically examines the very concept of “implementation” and what it means in the context of gender and peacebuilding. Agnieszka is currently the research coordinator of the project Caring to survive, surviving to care. Gendered survival practices, social reproduction and circuits of violence in Ukraine. She holds a Bachelor in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Oxford and a dual Master’s degree from SciencesPo Paris and London School of Economics in International Security and International Affairs.


Research Interests


  • Gender and peacebuilding
  • Feminist Critical Security Theory
  • Peace agreements
  • Women, Peace and Security


Relevant Publications and Works


1. Agnieszka Fal-Dutra Santos. Building Trust Through Care: A Feminist Take on Inclusion in Multi-Track Mediation. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 1–22. 2024.

2. Agnieszka Fal-Dutra Santos, “Why does peace matter for feminist and women’s movement for gender equality? Disentangling the relationships between women and peace and security and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action”, Faces de Eva 2020

Selected gray literature:
1. Agnieszka Fal-Dutra Santos, Anne-Marie Buzatu, Dinah Lakehal, Panthea Pourmalek and Michaela Zelenanska, “Women, Peace, and Security and Human Rights in the Digital Age: Opportunities and risks to advance women’s meaningful participation and protect their rights”, Global Network of Women Peacebuilders, 2021

2. Agnieszka Fal-Dutra Santos, Dinah Lakehal and Anne Campbell, “Examining the intersections between corruption, human rights and Women, Peace and Security”, GNWP, October 2020

3. Jillian Abballe, Emma Grant, Foteini Papagioti, Dorie Reisman, Nicole Smith and Agnieszka Fal-Dutra Santos, “Gender-sensitive provisions in peace agreements and women’s political and economic inclusion post-conflict”, NYU and GNWP, 2020

4. Agnieszka Fal-Dutra Santos, "Leadership from the ground up: A Study of Civil Society Perceptions of the meaning of Sustaining Peace for Local Populations, especially Local Women”, GNWP 2019

5. Agnieszka Fal-Dutra Santos and Kelly Yzique-Zea, “Strengthening synergies between CEDAW and Women, Peace and Security Resolutions: Policy Brief”, GNWP, 2018

