International History and Politics

Study and research today’s global challenges.

The International History and Politics Department of the Geneva Graduate Institute offers a unique opportunity to study and research today’s global challenges in their historical context. 

A Unique Programme

Studying International History and Politics (IHP) at the Geneva Graduate Institute will give you unique intellectual skills and opportunities to study today’s international affairs and new diplomacies in their modern historical context and from various world-regional perspectives.

In the heart of International Geneva, the IHP department boasts a unique collective profile. Its faculty’s range of expertise in global and international history and politics sets IHP apart from all other International Affairs and History programmes. 

Studying IHP at the Geneva Graduate Institute will allow students:

  • Access to an unbeatable faculty-to-student ratio (2024: 1:4).
  • The opportunity to hone both academic and applied intellectual skills with the world’s leading experts;
  • The possibility to explore global challenges and international issues past and present from specific geographical viewpoints;
  • Access to thematic courses that reflect the research expertise of the department faculty: the modern and contemporary global and international history of politics; development; diplomacy, conflict and security; environment; health; humanitarianism; commerce and finance; and culture.
  • To take courses also in the other four IHEID departments
  • The chance of being selected to study at one of 43 IHEID-wide exchange partner institutions on all continents for a one-semester stay abroad.

The graduates of IHP department’s MA and PhD programs have found success both in academia and across the international field, from NGOs to business, international organisations, governments, and more.

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Professors of the  IHP Department  share their '5 Essential Reads' for students.  





Fondation Pierre du Bois

Pour l'histoire du temps présent

Fondation Pierre du Bois

A partner organisation of the International History and Politics Department

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International History and Politics - AUTUMN 2024

  • Prizes
  • Podcasts
  • New Researchers
  • New Research Project with Professor Amalia Ribi Forclaz

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International History and Politics
Maison de la paix
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A
Case Postale 1672
CH-1211 Genève 1



The Maison de la paix is located at Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A, on the corner of Avenue de France. You may take tram 15 until the Maison de la paix stop or, alternatively, walk a few minutes from the stop at Place des Nations.