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Chargé d'enseignement et de recherche, Histoire et Politique Internationales
Geographical Area
  • Asia, Eastern

Jan Kiely is a historian of modern China particularly interested in aspects of religion, social morality, law, justice, conflict and its resolutions in the twentieth century. He comes to the Geneva Graduate Institute from the Chinese University of Hong Kong where he was  Professor and Director of the Center for China Studies, taught for thirteen years, and also served as Associate Director of the Universities Service Centre for China Studies post-1949 archive.  From 2007 to 2010, he was Co-Director and Associate Professor of the Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies (Hopkins-Nanjing Center). He has also taught at Furman University and Harvard University. Following a first sojourn at the Number Seven High School in Chengdu in 1982-83, he lived in China as a student and teacher at the Central China Normal University in Wuhan, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Peking University, and Nanjing University, and as a program director at East China Normal University in Shanghai and at Suzhou University.  A graduate of Yale University (BA 1988) and the University of Hawai’i at Manoa (MA 1993), he received his PhD in History from the University of California at Berkeley in 2001.  Co-editor of Modern Chinese Religion II: 1850-2015 (2015), Recovering Buddhism in Modern China (2016), and Fieldwork in Modern Chinese History: A Research Guide (2019) and author of The Compelling Ideal: Thought Reform and the Prison in China, 1901-1956 (2014), Kiely is Associate Editor of the journal Twentieth-Century China and Research Fellow of the Chinese University of Hong Kong-Sun Yat-sen University Center for Historical Anthropology. He is currently completing a book on local, rural religious, health, justice and performative practices and expressions in the twentieth century.