Centre for Trade and Economic Integration

The Centre for Trade and Economic Integration is the Graduate Institute's Centre of Excellence for research on international trade. 

Welcome to CTEI, the Graduate Institute's hub for cutting-edge research on international trade. We bring together renowned experts in economics, law, and political science to explore topics related to trade, economic integration, and globalisation.

What We Do

CTEI serves as a global meeting point that fosters dialogue among academics, international businesses, NGOs, and policy-makers. We aim to bridge the gap between theory and practice, including partnerships with research centres in the developing world.

Our Activities

  • Research Projects: Active involvement in various research initiatives.
  • Events: Hosting and organising meaningful events.
  • Visiting Scholars: Welcoming academics who enrich our research community.


Our Platforms


The Geneva Trade Platform (GTP)

Aims to simplify international trade policymaking by engaging diverse stakeholders, conducting research, and offering technical support. It is known for successfully hosting Geneva Trade Week in 2020 and every year since.


Thinking Ahead on Societal Change (TASC)

A collaborative forum focused on the future of work, addressing urgent global challenges.


Forum on Trade, Environment & the SDG'S (TESS)

Launched in 2021, TESS is a joint effort with the United Nations Environment Programme. It aims to align trade policies with environmental sustainability and advance the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.


the Geneva Platform for Resilient Value Chains (GPRVC)

Launched in January 2025, the GPRVC enables ambitious climate action while accounting for local manufacturing ambitions and geopolitical tensions.

Get Involved

If you're an expert in trade, the future of work, or digital governance, we'd love to collaborate with you. Share your contact details and expertise through our SURVEY.

Thank you for being part of our dynamic community, where we strive to advance knowledge, foster collaboration, and drive positive change in international trade and beyond.

first page of CTEI annual report 2023

CTEI Annual Report 2023

Projects and Partnerships

Sharing frontier research in international trade and development

The Geneva Trade and Development Workshop (GTDW) is a joint seminar series of the Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM), the Graduate Institute in Geneva (IHEID), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). After twelve years of running as an on-site seminar, we are joining forces with the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) to bring the GTDW online, with the aim of sharing frontier research in international trade and development.

In the fall Semester of 2020, the seminars will take place online on Mondays at 4 PM CET and last for one hour and fifteen minutes including questions. For more details and to register please visit the dedicated website.


mou 3

The Permanent Mission of India to the WTO, Geneva (PMI), the Centre for Trade and Economic Integration at The Graduate Institute, Geneva (CTEI), and the Centre for Trade and Investment Law at the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi (CTIL) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a view to collaborating and cooperating in the field of international trade and investment law for academic, research, training, and capacity-building activities. The MOU was signed by H.E. Ambassador Brajendra Navnit from PMI, Professor Joost Pauwelyn from CTEI and Professor James J. Nedumpara from CTIL on 27 November 2021 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The MOU broadly covers five areas of cooperation between the Parties, which include:

  1. Training and capacity building;
  2. Joint research projects, conferences and workshops;
  3. Submission of India-focused projects for examination at TradeLab legal clinics functioning at CTEI in Switzerland or CTIL in India;
  4. Internship for selected CTEI students with CTIL; and
  5. Exchange of staff and faculty for study and research purposes

Management and coordination: 

For more detailed information, please click here

Tradelab logo

Law Clinics to make Global Economic Regulation work for everyone

TradeLab is a global network of legal clinics, initiated at the Graduate Institute by Professor Joost Pauwelyn in 2009,  with  sites located across the globe. It aims to empower countries and smaller stakeholders to reap the full development benefits of global trade and investment rules by supporting them to answer important trade related questions through pro bono legal clinics and practica. These legal clinics and practica are implemented by law students, with support from academics and legal practitioners. 

CTEI hosts the Geneva based Law clinics, part of Trade Lab.

GIELS provide an opportunity to PhD candidates and other junior researchers working in the field of international economic law (IEL) to present and get feedback on their work.

The target audience of GIELS is other students as well as faculty in the field (including from disciplines other than law) and interested people in the practice of IEL (IOs, law firms, NGOs, diplomatic missions). 

GIELS want to provide a small, informal and friendly setting where new IEL research can be tested and cross-topic, interdisciplinary links and networks can be forged so as to help Graduate Institute students and confirm the place of the Graduate Institute's Centre for Trade and Economic Integration (CTEI) as a leading research hub on IEL.

Contact us


Mail Address

Centre for Trade and Economic Integration
Maison de la paix
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A
Case Postale 1672
CH-1211 Genève 1

Email: ctei@graduateinstitute.ch


The Maison de la paix is located at Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A, on the corner of Avenue de France. You may take tram 15 until the Maison de la paix stop or, alternatively, walk a few minutes from the stop at Place des Nations.



CTEI brings together the research activities of eminent professors of economics, law and political science in the area of trade, economic integration and globalization. It provides a forum for discussion and dialogue between the global research community, including the Institute's student body and research centres in the developing world, and the international business community, as well as international organisations and NGOs. The Centre runs research projects and organises events, and occasionally hosts a visiting scholar.

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