Research Toolbox

With the exception of resources relating to Research Funding, Research Ethics, PhD Support and Academic Publications, which are dealt with in their own pages, this page contains general and specific tools  designed to support researchers in their work and keeping them up-to-date with the latest research trends, announcements and opportunities. 

Research Intelligence

  • The Chronicle of Higher Education – a US-based website presenting news, information and jobs for college and university faculty.
  • EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion – a unique, pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers, including a vast selection of job offers.
  • Geneva Graduate Institute’s LibGuide on data bases – a Google Sheets list of databases you can use to search for open data
  • Guidelines to Conflict Sensitive Research – guidelines produced by the Swiss Academy of Science highlighting critical and sensitive aspects of research in and on conflict; detailed (PDF) version here.
  • H-Net – Humanities and Social Sciences Online – an interdisciplinary forum for scholars in the humanities and social sciences, best known for hosting electronic mailing lists organised by academic disciplines. It also hosts very useful resources such as H-Net Reviews (reviews of books and other publications), H-Net Job Guide and H-Announce (announcements of academic conferences, calls for papers and programmes).
  • The League of European Research Universities (LERU) – a consortium of some of the most renowned research universities in Europe advocating for the promotion of basic research.
  • The Research Whisperer – a website dedicated to the topic of doing research in academia, with useful information on applying for grants, understanding the research culture and building academic track-records.
  • ScienceGeist – a website funded by the SNSF curating useful news and opinions about ongoing research and science policy issues.
  • Social Science Space – a platform bringing together social scientists to explore, share and shape the big issues in social science, from funding to impact. This online social network features blogs with the most current thinking from key players in the field.
  • The Fora: A Higher Education Community – This site offers fora for discussing a myriad of higher education related topics (job market, publication, tenure, leaving academia, etc.).
  • Times Higher Education – a leading, UK-based, weekly magazine reporting specifically on news and issues related to higher education.

Free Research Engines and Software

Communicate Your Ideas

  • The Conversation France – through close collaboration between journalists, academics and researchers, this generalist online media aims to shed light on public debate through independent analysis of topical issues. Find out how members of the Graduate Institute  can get involved:


The Institute is a member of “The Conversation”, an independent news and analysis online publication that delivers expertise from the academic and research community directly to the public
  • Allegra – this laboratory aims to enliven the “dead space” between standard academic publication and fast moving public debates. It addresses sociopolitical issues informed by the beauty of ethnography and the critical potential of anthropology.
  • The Global: Rethinking Global Governance from Geneva – this blog aims to disseminate the research of scholars, researchers and students associated with the Graduate Institute's Global Governance Centre, as well as provide external contributors an opportunity to share their expertise (academic or policy-based) on a specific topic.
  • UN, You Know? – an online blog that allows students who have an interest in writing to express themselves on international matters as journalists. It is integrated into the website of the Geneva International Model United Nations (GIMUN), a student-run NGO, and gives the opportunity to international students to be part of GIMUN outside of the Annual Conference.

Data Visualisation

  • Compute Expert – master the use of Excel with many free, in-depth Excel tutorials particularly useful for beginner and intermediate users.
  • Excel Easy –  this website offers an easy-to-follow Excel tutorial, fully illustrated and including 300 examples.
  • Martin Grandjean – an interesting blog dedicated to the visual representation of data and research results.

Training and Professional Development

  • Vitae Researcher Development Framework – a global leader in supporting researchers' professional development by offering services and resources for publication, career opportunities, CV writing, researcher career stories, academic cover letters, etc.

Academic Job Market and Offers

  • Academic Positions – the European career network for Academics, Researchers and Scientists.
  • EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion – a unique pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers, including a vast selection of job offers.
  • HigherEdJobs – the leading source for jobs and career information in academia for the United States.
  • H-Net Job Guide – academic job postings in the humanities and social sciences.
  • Inside Higher Ed – this independent journalism organisation, owned by Times Higher Education, provides information and career services for professionals in academia.
  • – search international jobs in academic, scientific, research and administrative fields in the UK, Europe, Australasia, Africa, America, Asia and the Middle East.
  • jobs.myScience – find your future job on this page, a portal for scientists, specialists and engineers in Switzerland.
  • The Professor Is In – Karen Kelsky’s blog provides job market advice and more with a touch of humour.
  • THE Unijobs – one of the leading academic job portals, by Times Higher Education.

Networking and Collaboration

  • EMES – a research network whose goal is to build up an international corpus of theoretical and empirical knowledge, pluralistic in disciplines and methodologies, around “SE” concepts: social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, social economy, solidarity economy and social innovation.
  • European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) – an independent scholarly association, with over 300 institutional members in nearly 50 countries engaged in the research and teaching of political science worldwide.
  • Experiment – a platform for discovering, funding and sharing scientific research.
  • History of International Organizations Network (HION) – a platform aimed at uniting the many researchers working on the history of international organisations and promoting collaboration between researchers, archivists and international civil servants interested in this topic.
  • Human Rights Consortium (HRC) – an initiative developed by the University of London to facilitate and promote interdisciplinary research in human rights nationally and internationally.
  • International Network for Economic Research (INFER) – a non-profit organisation supporting science and research in all areas of economics.
  • Partner Search Platforms – a page by Euresearch, the Swiss guide to European research and innovation, on platforms that can help you complete your consortium or become a partner in a proposed project.
  • Social Science Research Network (SSRN) – a network devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research, composed of a number of specialised research networks in each of the social sciences.
  • Swiss-African Research Cooperation (SARECO) – a database of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), providing information on collaborative research between Switzerland and African countries.

Page last updated on 4 July 2024.