Michael Goebel Portrait

Michael GOEBEL

Former Professor, International History and Politics
Pierre du Bois Chair Europe and the World
Taught in 2018-2021
Spoken languages
English, French, German, Spanish


PhD, University College London
Prior to his arrival at the institute in 2018, Michael Goebel was Professor of Global History at Freie Universität Berlin (2014–18), a John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow at Harvard University (2012–13), and a Marie Curie Fellow at the European University Institute (2008–11). Originally a historian of postcolonial Latin America, he holds a Ph.D. from University College London (2006). His main interests are the modern histories of nationalism, of migration, and of cities. His 2015 book Anti-Imperial Metropolis won the American Historical Association’s 2016 Jerry Bentley Prize of World History. A founding member of the Global Urban History Project, he currently researches the relationship between inequalities and cities in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.


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  • Anti-Imperial Metropolis: Interwar Paris and the Seeds of Third World Nationalism
    (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015).
    (Winner of the Jerry Bentley Prize in World History, 2016, American Historical Association)
  • (...translated into French as: Paris, capitale du tiers monde: comment est née la révolution anticoloniale
    [Paris: La Découverte, 2017].)
  • Overlapping Geographies of Belonging: Migrations, Regions, and Nations in the Western South Atlantic
    (Washington, DC: American Historical Association, 2013).
    Argentina’s Partisan Past: Nationalism and the Politics of History (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2011).
  • (...translated into Spanish as: La Argentina partida: Nacionalismos y políticas de la historia [Buenos Aires: Prometeo, 2013].)

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Michael Goebel
Michael Goebel

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