Andre Liebich


Honorary Professor, International History and Politics
Taught in 1989-2013


PhD, Harvard University
Faculty member from 1989 to 2013, Dr Liebich was previously Professor of Political Science at the University of Québec in Montréal. He has also taught at McGill University, the University of Montréal, the University of Fribourg and the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania where he was awarded a doctorate honoris causa. He has held research appointments at St. Antony’s and Nuffield Colleges, Oxford; the Russian Research Centre, Harvard; the Hoover Institution, Stanford; the Kennan Institute, Washington, DC; the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton; and the Institute for Historical Research, London. His interests lie in Central and East European history and politics, modern political thought and ideologies, and international history and theory. His current research deals with nationhood and statehood, and minority and diaspora politics. His published works include From the Other Shore: Russian Social Democracy After 1921 (Fraenkel Prize, 1995) and Les minorités nationales en Europe centrale et orientale (1997).


Other Activities

  • Board of Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), New York
  • Board of Paderewski Foundation, Morges
  • EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship (EUDO), Florence-Edinburg
  • Editorial Committees of Relations internationales, Revolutionary Russia, Rossiya XXI veka, Connexe
  • Komitet naukowy, Rozprawy z dziejow oswiaty, Warsaw
  • Comitato scientifico, la biblioteca menscevica, Milan



  • Statehood and nationalism
  • Minority issues
  • Diaspora politics
  • Current political issues in post-communist Europe



  • Wickham Steed: Greatest Journalist of His Times  Bern: Peter Lang, 2018, 377 pp. + illustrations
  • “The Mensheviks Commemorate October,” Echoes of October: International Commemorations of the October Revolution 1918-1990 J.F. Fayet et al (eds.) (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 2017) pp. 160-176
  • “The Transition in East Central Europe,” Democratization in the 21st Century: Reviving Transitology", Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou  and Timothy D. Sisk (eds.) (London: Routledge, 2016) pp. 80-113. 
  • "Bandera Memorialization and Commemoration," Nationalities Papers 42:5 (2014) 750-770 (with O. Myshlovska)
  • "Les Promesses faites à Gorbatchev: l'avenir des alliances au crépuscule de la guerre froide," Relations internationales 147 (2011) pp. 85-96
  • "How Different is the New Europe? Perspectives on States and Minorities," CEU Political Science Journal 3:3 (2008) pp. 269-292.
  • "Minority as Inferiority: Minority Rights in Historical Perspective", Review of International Studies (2008), 34, 243–263 Copyright British International Studies Association. 
  • "Roma Nation? Competing Narratives of Nationhood," Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 13:4 (Winter 2007)  pp. 539-554
  • "Introduction: "Altneuländer or the Vicissitudes of Citizenship in the New EU states,"Citizenship Policies in the New Europe, in Rainer Bauböck, Bernhard Perchnig, Wiebke Sievers (eds.)  (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, rev ed, 2009)  pp. 21-42. 
  • "Was Herder a Nationalist?" Review of Politics 69:1 (2007)  pp. 48-78  [with Dominic Eggel, Deborah Mancini-Griffoli]
  • "Maîtres à l'épée, maîtres à danser, maîtres à penser: founding French national consciousness in Russian Exile", Canadian Slavonic Papers 49: 1/2 (2007) pp. 27-47.
  • "Searching for the Perfect Nation: The Itinerary of Hans Kohn (1891-1971)", Nations and Nationalism 12:4 (2006) pp. 579-596.
  • "Mensheviks Wage the Cold War", Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 30, No. 2 (1995), pp. 247-264