Amalia Ribi Forclaz is an Associate Professor in International History and Politics.
She holds a DPhil in Modern history from Lincoln College, Oxford (2008), where she was a Berrow Scholar and has held fellowships at the Oxford Modern European History Research Centre, the Excellence Cluster Asia and Europe in Heidelberg and as an SNF Ambizione Fellow at the Graduate Institute. Her areas of expertise include 19th and 20th century internationalism, the history of slavery and abolition, and the global history of agriculture and rural development. Amalia Ribi Forclaz has published various articles and books on this subjects including a monograph titled Humanitarian Imperialism. The Politics of Anti-Slavery Activism, 1880-1940 (Oxford University Press: 2015) and, more recently, together with Liesbeth van de Grift, the edited volume Governing the Rural in Interwar Europe (Routledge: 2017).
Her new monograph Cultivating Fields of Progress: The International Labour Organization and the Problem of Agriculture, 1920s-1950s) will be released by OUP in February 2025.
Amalia is currently the PI of the following project: Chemical Crossroads: Agrarian Transitions, Pesticide Controversies and International Governance, 1940-1970 (2025-2028) and project partner in the project: Citizens of the World: Global Governance and Democratic Engagement in Past and Present (2024-26).
- International organisations, UN
- History of international relations
- Social movements, trade unions, NGOs
- Development, cooperation, aid policies
- Experts & epistemic communities
- Human rights
- Governance & multilateralism
Selected publications
- Cultivating Fields of Progress: Agriculture and the International Labour Organization, 1920s- 1950s, In press, Forthcoming Oxford University Press, February 2025
- Humanitarian Imperialism. The Politics of Anti-Slavery Activism, 1880-1940, Oxford Historical Monographs, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2015.
- Governing the Rural in Interwar Europe, London: Routledge, 2017 (Co-edited with Liesbeth van de Grift).
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
- ‘Progress versus Precaution: International Organizations and the Use of Pesticides, 1940s-1970s’ (co-authored with Corinna Unger), Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung, In Press.
- ‘A Bed, and a Cover, and Possibly a Pillow: Improving the Living Conditions of Agricultural Workers in the Interwar Years’, Capitalism a Journal of History and Economics, Vol 3, Number 1 Winter 2022, pp. 136-159.
- ‘From Reconstruction to Development: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Conceptualization of Rural Welfare, 1945-1950 ’, International History Review, 41, 2 (2019): 351-371.
- ‘Revisiting the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): International Histories of Agriculture, Nutrition and Development’ (co-authored with Corinne Pernet) International History Review, 41, 2 (2019), 345-350.
- ‘Shaping the Future of Farming: The International Labour Organization and Agricultural Education in the Interwar Years’, Special Issue, Agricultural Review, 65,2 (2017).
- ‘Agriculture, American Expertise, and the Quest for Global Data: Leon Estabrook and the First World Agricultural Census of 1930, Journal of Global History, 11,1 (2016), 44-65.
- ‘A New Target for International Social Reform. The International Labour Organisation and Working and Living Conditions in Agriculture in the Interwar Years’, Journal of Contemporary European History 20,3 (2011), 307-329.
- ‘Introduction: Transnational Networks in Agriculture, Food, and Health’, (co-authored with Cornelia Knab), Journal of Contemporary European History, 20,3 (2011), 247-277
- ‘Shaping the Future of Farming: The International Labour Organization and Agricultural Education in the Interwar Years’, Special Issue, Agricultural Review, December 2017.
- ‘Agriculture, American Expertise, and the Quest for Global Data: Leon Estabrook and the First World Agricultural Census of 1930, Journal of Global History, 11,1 (2016), 44-65.
- ‘A New Target for International Social Reform. The International Labour Organisation and Working and Living Conditions in Agriculture in the Interwar Years’, Journal of Contemporary European History 20,3 (2011), 307-329.
- ‘From Reconstruction to Development: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Conceptualizations of Rural Welfare, 1945-1950 ’, International History Review, [forthcoming 2018]
Edited Special Issues
- ‘Introduction: Confronting a Hungry World: The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization in a Historical Perspective, Special Issue of the International History Review, [forthcoming 2018] (co-authored with Corinne Pernet )
- ‘Introduction: Transnational Networks in Agriculture, Food, and Health’, Special Issue of the Journal of Contemporary European History, 20,3 (2011), 247-277 (co-authored with Cornelia Knab).
Book chapters
- 'The Latest Developments in Agricultural Knowledge and Practice from the Outside World’: UNRRA’s Agricultural Rehabilitation Work in Italy in the Aftermaths of the Second World War’ in Julia Tischler, Heinrich Hartmann eds., Planting Seeds of Knowledge in an Agricultural World, Manuscript under Review with Berghahn, publication planned for autumn 2021).
- ‘Experimenting with Scientific Management: New Approaches to Agricultural Labour in the Twentieth Century’ (together with Carolyn Taratko) in Dietmar Müller, Liesbeth van de Grift and Corinna Unger (eds), Managing the Land : Agricultural and Rural Actors in Twentieth Century Europe (Accepted, Forthcoming with De Gruyter 2021)
- ‘Guardians of the Countryside: The Associated Countrywomen of the World ACWW and the Conceptualization of Rural Internationalism in the Interwar Years’, in Ribi Forclaz and Van de Grift (eds.) Governing the Rural in Interwar Europe (London 2017).
- ‘'The Breath of New Life”? British Anti-Slavery Activism and the League of Nations’, in D. Laqua (ed.), Internationalism Reconfigured: Transnational Ideas and Movements between the World Wars (London, 2011).
- SNSF Junior research scholarship, 2004
- Berrow Foundation Scholarship, Lincoln College Oxford, 2004-2008
- Membro Scientifico, Istituto Svizzero, Rome, 2005-2006
- Beit Scholarship in Imperial and Commonwealth History, Oxford 2009
- Research Fellowship of the Economic and Social Research Council, UK, 2009-2010
- Oslo International History Network, 2009-2012