Joanna Bourke Martignoni


Senior researcher
Research Affiliate at the Gender Centre
Spoken languages
English, French
  • Gender, Class, Race and Intersectionality

Current research: SWIFT. Supporting Women-led Innovation in Farming and rural Territories

Past research: DEMETER


Latest publications

Beban, Alice, and Joanna Bourke Martignoni. 2024. The Lucky and Unlucky Daughter: Gender, land inheritance and agrarian change in Ratanakiri, Cambodia. Journal of Agrarian Change.

Bourke Martignoni, Joanna. 2022. Feminisms and human rights. Global Challenges. 11: The Uncertain Future of Human Rights.

Beban, Alice and Joanna Bourke Martignoni. 2022. Social security in the extractive state. Gender, land inheritance, and agrarian change in Ratanakiri, Cambodia. In Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food. Insights from Ghana and Cambodia. (Eds.) Joanna Bourke Martignoni, Christophe Gironde, Christophe Golay, Elisabeth Prügl, Dzodzi Tsikata. Routledge.

Bourke Martignoni, Joanna, Christophe Gironde, Christophe Golay, Elisabeth Prügl, Dzodzi Tsikata. 2022. Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food. Insights from Ghana and Cambodia. Routledge.

Bourke Martignoni, Joanna, Christophe Gironde, Christophe Golay, Elisabeth Prügl, Dzodzi Tsikata. 2022. Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food. In Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food. Insights from Ghana and Cambodia. Routledge.

Bourke Martignoni, Joanna, Christophe Gironde, Christophe Golay, Elisabeth Prügl, Fenneke Reysoo, Dzodzi Tsikata. 2022. From the unequal harvests of commercialization to the right to food and gender equality. What roles for governments, agribusinesses, and rural communities? In Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food. Insights from Ghana and Cambodia. (Eds.) Joanna Bourke Martignoni, Christophe Gironde, Christophe Golay, Elisabeth Prügl, Dzodzi Tsikata. Routledge.

Bourke Martignoni, Joanna and Saba Joshi. 2022. Feminist legal geographies of land titling, indebtedness, and resistance in rural Cambodia. In Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food. Insights from Ghana and Cambodia. (Eds.) Joanna Bourke Martignoni, Christophe Gironde, Christophe Golay, Elisabeth Prügl, Dzodzi Tsikata. Routledge.