Carlotta Nani_2023_v2

Carlotta NANI

PhD Researcher in International Economics
Research Fellow, Centre for Finance and Development
PhD Affiliate, Gender Centre
Spoken languages
Italian, English, French

PhD Thesis


PhD Supervisor & 2nd Reader: Lore Vandewalle and Julia Cajal Grossi

Expected completion date: 2023




Carlotta is a PhD candidate in Development Economics and a Research Assistant of the Centre for Finance and Development. She holds a bachelor degree in Economics and Finance from the University of Bologna and a master degree in International Economics from the Graduate Institute. Previously, she worked as a research assistant at the World Trade Organization, the International Labour Organization and the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW). She is currently collaborating to the SNF-funded research project of Prof. Vandewalle, "Engaging Women in Mobile Money Markets" for which she conducted fieldwork in Bangladesh. Her research focuses on financial inclusion and women labour force participation.


Research Interests


  • Financial inclusion

  • Women Labour Force Participation

  • Family Policies

  • Rural Development


Academic Work Experience


Research Experience

Research Assistant at the World Trade Organization

Research Assistant at the International Labor Organization

Research Assistant at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW)

Research Assistant for the SNF-funded research project "Engaging Women in Mobile Money Markets" let by Lore Vandewalle at the Centre for Finance and Development

