Larissa Da Silva Araujo


Postdoctoral researcher
Research Affiliate, Gender Centre

Current project

SWIFT: Supporting Women-led Innovation in Farming and rural Territories




  • PhD in Anthropology and Sociology, Geneva Graduate Institute

Dr. Da Silva Araujo works on the SWIFT project, hosted by the Gender Centre at the Geneva Graduate Institute, where she contributes with research about the Human Rights frameworks on women’s and gender diversities rights in agricultural territories in Europe, as well as undertakes qualitative research with agrarian associations in the Swiss context. Before joining the Centre, she did her PhD thesis on the praxis of sumak kawsay (good living) amongst the Kayambis in Northern Ecuador, collaborating with women undertaking agroecological transitions for healing bodies and territories. During her PhD. she was a visiting scholar in the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill and a fellow of the Latin American Council for Social Sciences (CLACSO) in the Research Program for Agroecological Systems in the Andes. During her Masters in Brazil, she focused on the struggle of afrodescendant women against the coloniality of megaevents during the FIFA World Cup in Brazil. She also worked as a researcher in Brazil in the National Truth Commission and Amnesty Commission on human rights and transitional justice subjects, as well as in the Anis Institute of Bioethics, Gender and Human Rights.


Relevant Publications and Works


Araujo, L.; Reis da Silva, A. (2022). JATARISHUN: revoltas indígenas camponesas do Equador e Bem Viver. Caderno CRH (Online). , v.35, p.e022004 - English version - JATARISHUN: indigenous peasant uprisings of Ecuador and Good Living

Araujo, L. (2021). Prácticas cotidianas agroecológicas hacia el Sumak Kawsay. Buen Vivir en el territorio del Pueblo Kayambi - Cayambe, Ecuador In: Agroecología en los sistemas andinos.1 ed.Buenos Aires: CLACSO, p. 85-136.

Araujo, L. & Pueblo Kayambi (2021). ¿Convivencia en armonía? La lucha de las chakareras contra de la violencia de género. In Bidaseca, K. (et. al.) (orgs). Política Erótica de la relación – ¡sin feminismo no hay agroecología! Boletín del grupo de trabajo Epistemología del SUR, CLACSO, septiembre 2021, 29-42.

da Silva-Araujo, L.  (2016). Diferencia en campo: prácticas económicas y Amefricanidade de las Baianas de Acarajé contra FIFA. Journal of Social Economics and Cooperativa Studies. 24(109), xx-xx. doi: 10.16925/co.v24i109.1505

Araujo, L. (2020). Um estudo de caso sobre baianas de acarajé contra a FIFA: o sistema colonial moderno global visto em perspectiva. In: Menezes, R. (org.). Geopolítica, desigualdade global e desconexão forçada: as periferias no início do século XXI. Editora UnB. ISBN 978-85-230-0900-7.

Araujo, L. (2020). Baianas de Acarajé against FIFA: Coloniality Nowadays. Alternautas. Vol.7 – Issue 1. ISSN - 2057-4924


Academic Work Experience


Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant at the Graduate Institute for the following courses:
2018 (ANSO096) - Screening the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Competing and Complementary Narratives Through Cinematic Representations

2018 (DE156) - Elites and Inequalities

2018 and 2020 (DE132) - History, Theory and Practice of Development

2018 (DE139) - Gender and Development: From Theory to Practice

2019 (MINT160) - Social Inquiry and Qualitative Research for International Affairs and Development

2021 (MINT 007) - Economic Development of Resource-Rich Countries

2021 (MINT 125) - Agrarian Transformation and Mobilisation: Land, Labour and Technology




CLACSO and McKnight Foundation fellowship




Gender Centre


