PhD Thesis
Title: Technologies of Anti-Natalist Violence: Forced Sterilization and the Re-Production of Intervenable Bodies
PhD Supervisor: Elisabeth Prügl
Ximena holds a double BA degree in History and Journalism, and received her master's degree in International Relations and Political Science from the Graduate Institute. Her doctoral thesis investigates technologies of reproductive control and how they are mobilized for political violence, looking in particular at forced and coerced sterilizations against marginalized peoples and how gendered and racialized bodies as re-produced as intervenable.
Academic Work Experience
Research Experience
Sept 2017- August 2021: Research Assistant for for the SNSF-funded project “Explaining International Organizations’ Mission Creep: How International Bureaucrats Shape Bioethics” led by Prof. Annabelle Littoz-Monnet and hosted at the Graduate Institute’s Global Governance Centre.