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Yuliia Soroka

Senior Researcher, Gender Centre
Spoken languages
English, Ukrainian, Russian
  • Gender, Class, Race and Intersectionality

Yuliia Soroka joins the Geneva Graduate Institute as a senior researcher in the project Caring to survive, surviving to care. Gendered survival practices, social reproduction and circuits of violence in Ukraine.

She is a sociologist of culture who studied the symbolic space of Ukrainian society, including culture and power relations, media representation of social groups, qualitative methods, discourse and narrative analysis. Her works on collective identities within Pro-Euromaidan discourse, hate speech, dialogue as a social technology, discourse of Muslims in Ukrainian media, hostility towards IDPs, discourse of queer women in Ukrainian media were published in Symbolic Interaction, Ideology and Politics, Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, and other international and Ukrainian academic journals.

In Ukraine, she combines research and professorship at N.V. Karazin Kharkiv National University with NGO advising on gender, dialogue and mediation, urban revitalisation, and educational policy. She participated in the projects “Women’s Initiatives for Peace in Donbas/s” (for OWEN (Germany), 2017-2023) “Gender, conflict, elections” (for Eastern European GPPAC network, 2018-2020), “Discourse of queer-women in Ukrainian media” (for NGO KyivPride, 2019), “Together–park: revitalisation of Mashinobudivnukiv park” (for NGO “Urban reforms”, Kharkiv, 2017) and others.  

Her current research project explores sociocultural aspects of Ukrainian society in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, including autoethnography, everyday life, media representation, and gender aspects of occupation in the prospects of Ukrainian social integrity.

She is a Fulbright exchange scholar (2010, WWC, Kennan Institute, US), 2022/2023 non-resident Prisma Ukraïna Fellow at the Forum Transregionale Studien (Berlin, Germany), Scholars at Risk fellowship holder (2022-24, Fribourg University, Switzerland).


Recent publications

Soroka, Y. (Forthcoming). Surviving occupation in Mariupol. In War in Ukraine. (Ed.) Tamara Martsenyuk and Tetiana Kostiuchenko.

Soroka, Y. (Forthcoming). The Beginning of the Occupation: The City of Mariupol in media messages. In War, Migration and Memory. Perspectives on Russia’s War against Ukraine. (Ed.) Viktoria Sereda.

Soroka, Y., Crawley, S.L., Dzyuba, O. and Green, A. 2023. Perverts or Heroes in the Post-Socialist “Cold War”: Formula Stories of Lesbian/Bisexual/Queer Women and Transgender People in Ukrainian Media. Symbolic Interaction.

Soroka Y., Kudriavtseva N., Danylenko I.  2023. Language and social inequalities in Ukraine: monolingual and bilingual practices. Ideology and Politics Journal. 2(4).

Soroka Y. 2022. Cultural diversity in sociological perspective: polycultural society, power, dialogue. Ideology and Politic Journal. 2(21). (Ukranian).


Selected publications



Soroka, Y. 2012. The native, the strange, the different: the sociocultural perspective of perception of the Other. Kharkiv: V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. (Ukranian).

Soroka, Y. 2010. Seeing, Thinking, Discerning: Sociocultural Theory of Perception. Kharkiv: V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. (Russian)


Contributions to books

Strelkova, T., Soroka, Y., Tieliezhkina, O. and others. 2022. Online Learning Methods for Effective Communication Between Teachers and Students. In Measurement Methodologies to Assess the Effectiveness of Global Online Learning. IGI Global.

Soroka, Y. 2016. Denaturalisation of Collective Identities within pro-Euromaidan Discourse (on a field of Facebook Representation). Wladzasadzenia, 8. 43–56.

Soroka, Y. 2015. Nominations of collective identities in the blogosphere of current events. In Variability of culture: sociological projections. Ed. N. Kostenko.  Kyiv: Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 371–419. (Ukranian).

Soroka, Y. 2012. The meaning of the symbol "Ukrainian". In Ukrainian students in search of identity. Ed. V. Arbenina, L. Sokuryanska. Kharkiv: V.N. Karazin Kharkiv  National University, p. 80–96. (Ukranian).

Soroka, Y. 2012. Student ideas about the feeling of hostility in modern Ukraine. In Ukrainian students in search of identity. Ed. V.L. Arbenina, LG Sokuryanska. Kharkiv: V.N. Karazin Kharkiv  National University. 375–386. (Ukranian).

Soroka, Y. 2010. From Zhdanov to Mariupol: the question of renaming the city in the local press publications. In Urban sociology: textbook. (Ed.) O. Mikheeva. Donetsk. 239–353. (Ukranian).

Soroka, Y. 2010. Sociocultural changes and the city. In Urban sociology: textbook. (Ed.) O. Mikheeva. Donetsk. 166-182. (Ukranian).


Peer-reviewed publications in Ukrainian

Dziuba, O., Soroka, Y 2021. The inclusive potential of Muslim Discours in Ukrainian media:  according to the result of Empirical research. Ukrainian sociological journal, Issue 23(-), p. 45-55.

Zubariev, O., Soroka, Y., Sytnik, O. 2021. “The tale of the fisherman and the fish”, or the phenomenology of the teenage youth dreams. Ukrainian Sociological Journal, (24), 69-80. 

Soroka, Y., Borysov R. 2021. “Sociology” and “History of Sociology” for Social Work: to the conceptualization of the sociological component of the educational program. SOCIOPROSTIR: an interdisciplinary collection of scientific papers on sociology and social work. 11, p. 6–16.

Soroka, Y. 2020. Sociological knowledge in the concept of conflict transformation by J.P. Lederach. SOCIOPROSTIR: an interdisciplinary collection of scientific papers on sociology and social work. 10, p. 21–27.

Soroka Y., Jirous D. 2019. Dialogue in the perspective of society.“5 years of dialogue and 25 years of mediation in Ukraine”. – OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine. – P. 217–223.

Soroka, Y. 2018. Hate speech from a perspective of the sociology of culture. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing. 3. – P. 26–46. 

Soroka, Y. 2017. Naturalisation, according to J. Butler, in the perspective of cultural mechanisms of power. Current issues of sociology, psychology, pedagogy. Collection of scientific works. – Kyiv, Logos. № 2 (33). – P. 14–27.

Soroka, Y. 2016. Hostility towards internal displaced people: researcher contribution to its formation. Visnyk of the V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. Sociological studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods”. Issue 37, p. 125–128.

Soroka, Y. 2016. Ukrainian students Evaluation of the educational process's quality, content and organisation (based on empirical research). Bulletin of Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin. Series "Sociological research of modern society: methodology, theory, methods." 36, p. 114–123.

Zimenkova D., Soroka Y.. 2015. Feedback in the perspective of student-centred education. Methodology, theory and practice of modern societies research. Collection of scientific papers. Volume 21, p. 246- 250.

Pedchenko, A., Soroka, Y. 2015. The Standing greeting ritual in the perspective of cultural mechanisms of power. Visnyk Kharkivskogo nacionalnogo universitetu imeni V.N. Karazina. Seria «Sociologichni doslidzennia suchasnogo suspilstva: metodologia, teoria, metody». – Kharkiv: KHNU. – № 1148. – P. 135-139.

Soroka, Y. 2014. In practising student-centred education: diagnostic aspects of student expectations. Visnyk Kharkivskogo nacionalnogo Universitet imeni V.N. Karazina. Seria «Sociologichni doslidzennia suchasnogo suspilstva: metodologia, teoria, metody». – 2014. – 1101. – P.190–194.

Soroka, Y. 2013. Cultural mechanisms of power: concept and types. Bulletin of Odessa National University. Volume 18. Issue 3 (19). Sociology and political sciences. Collection of scientific papers, p. 130-137.