Aadarsh Gangwar


PhD researcher in Anthropology and Sociology
Research Affiliate, Gender Centre
Spoken languages
English, French, Hindi
  • Gender, Class, Race and Intersectionality

PhD Thesis

Title: Just telling the truth?: Interrogating credibility assessment in Switzerland with LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers/refugees

PhD Supervisor: Aditya Bharadwaj &  Miriam Ticktin

Expected completion Date: 2026

Aadarsh’s doctoral project focuses on credibility assessment practices within Swiss asylum procedures involving queer claimants, which have received increasing scholarly attention. But academics are not the only ones producing a body of knowledge examining and critiquing credibility assessment practices. Queer asylum seekers — through their interactions with other refugees and asylum seekers, advocates who defend their rights, lawyers, social workers, and other actors — have access to an ecosystem of knowledge and critiques of credibility assessment, which informs how queer asylum seekers “strategise” during the asylum procedure. They do not enter the asylum system with a blank slate about what they are expected to say and how they ought to perform vulnerability and queerness.

Aadarsh’s research asks: What information do people share, with whom, and when? How do queer asylum seekers interpret and incorporate this information? How are various ideas of truth, authenticity, and deservingness perpetuated and resisted within this body of knowledge? What alternative conceptions of credibility and re-imaginings of the asylum procedure emerge from this ecosystem? Finally, what are the limitations of solidarity among/with queer asylum seekers?


  • Gender and sexuality
  • Asylum systems
  • Credibility assessment
  • Evidence and truth-making

Fellowships, Grants, and Awards


Publications and Works


Gender Centre