Marine Gauthier

Marine Gauthier

PhD Researcher in International Relations & Political Science
PhD Affiliate, Gender Centre

PhD Thesis


Title: Expert and Indigenous Knowledges: A Hybrid Co-Production of Climate Policies

PhD Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Annabelle Littoz-Monnet and Julie Billaud




Marine has been working as a UN environmental and social safeguards expert and a consultant on climate policies and indigenous peoples’ rights in Central Africa for 12 years. In 2019, she came back to Academia in order to study how expert and indigenous knowledge can co-produce climate knowledge in Africa, something she has been witnessing as a practitioner. She is very much interested in knowledge practices, forest &climate governance, social and environmental justice discourses and in political anthropology as a way to reveal the microarrays of power performance in global governance. She holds a Bachelor in Communications and Politics from Université de Montréal, a Master in Geopolitics from Ecole Normale Supérieure, and a Certificate in Tropical Forest Landscapes Conservation, Restoration & Sustainable Use from Yale University. She is also the Founder and Lead Consultant of CAP!, the Centre for Advocacy Practices, which provides support to citizen lobbyists and activists in analyzing their political context and identifying the levers for change. She regularly teaches advocacy strategies and political communication to students and professionals in France, Belgium, Senegal, DRC, Cameroon, Ivory Coast and Madagascar.

