
The Geneva Graduate Institute's research mission is to produce knowledge that fosters a better understanding of global problems. As a community of scholars in the academy, we are committed to advancing insight and debate in the social sciences and humanities. As a community of publicly engaged scholars, we also seek to enrich policy debates at the international and local level, in particular those involving international actors.

Research projects are conducted by professors, post-doctoral researchers and PhD researchers, either within academic departments or within research centres. Research dissemination at the Institute is not only oriented toward the academic world but also toward the international community, especially on subjects where Geneva and Switzerland have a comparative advantage, as manifested by the Institute’s range of publications, expertise, public debates as well as master’s programs and executive education trainings.

Below you will find research-related events, followed by our research clusters, centres, departments, library, publications, podcasts and videos, and support. Also visit the catalogue of research projects.

Global Challenges no. 15 (May 2024)


After suffering from colonisation and exploitation, the African continent has more opportunities than ever to assert its autonomy of decision and action. Will Africas, in all their diversity, live up to expectations?

Research Bulletin

An easy way to stay informed of all recent information and upcoming events from our 400 researchers

Research Podcasts and Videos

Researchers on their fields, the vagaries of PhD life, scholarly debates, methodological issues, books, seminars and documentaries

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