Centre on Conflict, Development & Peacebuilding

The CCDP is the Graduate Institute’s focal point for research in the areas of conflict analysis, peacebuilding and the complex relationships between security and development.

The CCDP's research focuses on the factors and actors that are implicated in the production and reproduction of violence within and between societies and states, as well as on policies and practices to reduce violence and insecurity and enhance development and peace-building initiatives at the international, state and local levels.

Current research themes at the CCDP

  • Changing normative orders and alternative approaches to peacebuilding

  • The "insecurity trap" of fragile and conflict-affected states

  • Urban and sub-state armed actors in settings of chronic violence

  • The environment and natural resource management for sustainable peace and development

  • The role of digital technologies in governance and peace efforts

  • Conflict-sensitive programming in protracted crises

These topics are interconnected and specific workstreams are consciously framed to maximise disciplinary and methodological collaboration.

The CCDP is a founding partner of the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform and a member institution of the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions.



Please click here if you wish to read about our activities during 2023.

Here is a summary infographic for a shorter overview.

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Mailing Address

Centre on Conflict, Development & Peacebuilding
Maison de la paix
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A
Petal 1, 4th floor
Case Postale 1672
CH-1211 Genève 1

Email: ccdp@graduateinstitute.ch


The Maison de la paix is located at Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A, on the corner of Avenue de France. You may take tram 15 until stop Maison de la paix, or, alternatively, it is a few minutes’ walk from Place des Nations.

STAY INFORMED ABOUT THE EVENTS AND PUBLICATIONS OF THE Centre on Conflict, Development & Peacebuilding


The CCDP's research focuses on the factors and actors that are implicated in the production and reproduction of violence within and between societies and states, as well as on policies and practices to reduce violence and insecurity and enhance development and peace-building initiatives at the international, state and local levels.

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