Holding a PhD in Economics from the University of Cambridge, Dominic Rohner is a Professor of Economics at the Geneva Graduate Institute. He is a Research Fellow of CEPR, CESifo, OxCarre and HiCN. His research on political and development economics has won several prizes. He has held an ERC grant on “Policies for Peace”, and is an Associate Editor at the Economic Journal, the leader of the CEPR Research and Policy Network on Preventing Conflict and a member of the National Research Council of the SNSF.
Lastest publications
- The Peace Formula: Voice, Work and Warranties, Not Violence, 2024, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Medication Against Conflict (with Andrea Berlanda, Matteo Cervellati, Elena Esposito and Uwe Sunde), Journal of Development Economics, forthcoming.
- Cash and Conflict: Large-Scale Experimental Evidence from Niger (with Patrick Premand), American Economic Review: Insights, 2024, 6: 137-53.
- Mediation, Military and Money: The Promises and Pitfalls of Outside Interventions to End Armed Conflicts, Journal of Economic Literature, 2024, 62: 155-95.
- Ethnic Conflicts and the Informational Dividend of Democracy (with Jérémy Laurent-Lucchetti and Mathias Thoenig), Journal of the European Economic Association, 2024, 22: 73-116.
- Ballot or Bullet: The Impact of UK's Representation of the People Act on Peace and Prosperity (with Andrea Marcucci and Alessandro Saia), Economic Journal, 2023, 133: 1510-1536.
For a full up-to-date list of all publications, see