Keith Krause has been a Professor of International Relations at the Geneva Graduate Institute since 1994, and is Director of its Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP). From 2000 until 2016, he was also Programme Director of the Small Arms Survey, an internationally recognized research NGO he founded in 2000. An international expert on conflict prevention, peacebuilding, and armed violence, Keith has more than 30 years of experience in designing and conducting research projects for academic and policy-oriented purposes. His research interests include the changing character of contemporary armed violence, post-conflict peace-building and state-building, security sector reform, and multilateral security cooperation. He has published Arms and the State, edited or co-edited Critical Security Studies, Culture and Security, and Armed Groups and Contemporary Conflicts, as well as having authored dozens of journal articles and book chapters, and consulted for governments and NGOs. He is Swiss-Canadian, and received his D.Phil in International Relations from Balliol College, Oxford, where he was a Rhodes Scholar.
Professor Krause is also the principal investigator on two multi-year research projects funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and one by the Swiss Network of International Studies:
- State-building and the Global Practices of Security Sector Reform
- Peace by other Means: Alternative Practices of Building Peace in a Changing Global Order
- Mapping the Transnational Circulation of Small Arms in Latin America
- Armed conflicts, violence
- Arms control, disarmament
- Critical & human security studies
- Peacekeeping, peacebuilding, reconstruction policy
- Small arms & light weapons
- NATO & other security alliances
- “Emancipation and Critique in Peace and Conflict Research,” Journal of Global Security Studies, forthcoming 2019.
- “Bodies Count: The Politics and Practices of War and Violent Death Data,” Human Remains and Violence, 3:1 (Spring 2017), 90-115.
- “From Armed Conflict to Political Violence: Mapping and Explaining Conflict Trends,” Daedalus, 145:4 (Fall 2016), 113-126.
- The Global Burden of Armed Violence 2015: Every Body Counts (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015). Co-edited with Matthias Nowak and Anna Alvazzi del Frate.
- Small Arms Survey 2015: Weapons and the World (Campbridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015). Commissioned chapters and research, co-edited chapters.
- Small Arms Survey 2014: Womens and Guns (Cambridge Univeristy Press, 2014). Commissioned chapters and research, co edited chapters.
- Small Arms Survey 2013: Everyday Dangers (Cambridge University Press, 2013). Commissioned chapters and research, co-edited chapters.
- “Hybrid Violence: Locating the Use of Force in Post conflict Settings,” Global Governance, 18:1 (2012), 39-56.
- The Global Burden of Armed Violence 2011: Lethal Encounters (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011). Co-edited (with Elisa Gilgen and Robert Muggah).
- Small Arms Survey 2001-2011 (eleven editions) (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, various years). Commissioned chapters and research, co-edited chapters and introduction, cowrote occasional chapters.
- “Leashing the Dogs of War: Arms Control from Sovereignty to Governmentality,” Contemporary Security Policy, 32:1 (April 2011).
- Armed Groups and Contemporary Conflicts: Challenging the Weberian State (London: Routledge, 2010). Editor. Also published as a special issue of Contemporary Security Policy, 30:2 (August 2009).
- "Small Arms,” in J. Peter Burgess, ed., Handbook of New Security Studies (London: Routledge: 2010), 27-38.
- (with Phil Cook and Wendy Cukier; equal authorship), “The Illicit Firearms Trade in North America,” Criminology and Criminal Justice, 9:3 (2009), 265-286.
- “War, Violence and the State,” in Michael Brzoska and Axel Krohn, eds., Securing Peace in a Globalized World (London: Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming 2009).
- (with Jennifer Milliken), “Introduction: The Challenge of Non-State Armed Groups,” Contemporary Security Policy, 30:2 (August 2009), 202-220.
- “Beyond Definition: Violence in a Global Perspective,” Global Crime, 10:4 (November 2009), 337-355.
- (with Robert Muggah) “Closing the Gap between Peace Operations and Post-Conflict Insecurity: Towards a Violence Reduction Agenda,” International Peacekeeping, 16:1 (February 2009), 136-150.
- “Building the Agenda of Human Security: Policy and Practice within the Human Security Network,” International Social Science Journal, 59:1 (September 2008), 65-79. Also published as an edited volume: Moufida Goucha and John Crowley, eds., Rethinking Human Security (Paris: UNESCO, 2008).
- Critical Security Studies (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997). Edited with Michael C. Williams.
- Arms and the State: Patterns of Military Production and Trade(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992).
- Member, International Advisory Board, Journal of International Relations and Development (2004-present)
- Member, Cooperation and Conflict, Editorial Advisory Board, 2005-present.
- Member, Editorial Board, Contemporary Security Policy, 1998-present.
- Member, International Advisory Board, European Journal of International Relations, 2000-present.