Victoria smiles at camera


PhD Researcher in International Relations/Political Science
Research Assistant at the Centre on Conflict Development & Peacebuilding
Spoken languages
Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, German

PhD Thesis

Provisional PhD Thesis Title: Re-forming, Trans-forming, and De-forming Security Sector Reform: The Politics of Expertise in Shaping Global Statebuilding Practices

PhD Completion Date: 2027

PhD Supervisor: Anna Leander and Keith Krause

In my doctoral research, I suggest that proposals to inform changes in Security Sector Reform (SSR) practices come from a claim of expertise that delineates what interpretations are deemed credible and, therefore, acceptable. My goal is to understand and disturb how expertise plays a role in imagining a “second generation” of global statebuilding practices, discussing how re-forming SRR entails its trans-formation and de-formation.  


Victoria Motta de Lamare França is a Research Assistant at the Centre on Conflict, Development & Peacebuilding (CCDP), working on the project State-building and the Global Practices of Security Sector Reform, and a PhD Researcher in the International Relations & Political Science department. She obtained an MA in International Relations and a BA in International Relations with Complement Studies in Conflict Mediation and Restorative Practices at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). 

Research Interests

  • Security Sector Reform
  • Politics of Expertise
  • International Political Sociology
  • Politics of Translation

Publications and Works