Andreas Hirblinger


Senior researcher, Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding
Spoken languages
English, German, French


Andreas Hirblinger is a Senior Researcher at the Geneva Graduate Institute's Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP). He conducts research on digital peacebuilding, focusing on how the use of digital technologies by conflict parties, stakeholders, and peacebuilding actors shapes understandings of conflict and peace and peacebuilding approaches. His current SNSF Ambizione project, "An Apomediated Peace?" explores how various digital and political contexts influence peacebuilding dynamics and outcomes. His research has been published in Security Dialogue, International Studies PerspectivesPeacebuildingInternational Negotiation, and the Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. Andreas holds a Ph.D. in Politics and International Studies from the University of Cambridge.

Previously, Andreas has (co-)directed several multi-disciplinary research projects, such as on the strategic use of digital technologies to enhance inclusive peace mediation (2019, funded by the United States Institute of Peace), the role of digital approaches in enabling subjunctivity and sincerity in efforts to cope with the uncertainty of peace processes (2020, funded by the SNSF SPARK grant), and on the opportunities and challenges of using Artificial Intelligence in support of peace mediation (2020, funded by a Volkswagen Foundation start-up grant). In addition, Andreas maintains close working relationships with, and provides advice and training for, international and national organizations that pursue peacebuilding and peace mediation mandates. He was a Visiting Researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) (2021-2022), as well as a fellow of the Heinrich Böll Foundation (2008-2015), and of the Foundation Wiener Anspach (2014-2015).

Publications (selection)


Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters

  • Hirblinger, Andreas T. et al. 2023. "Forum: Making Peace with Un-Certainty: Reflections on the Role of Digital Technology in Peace Processes Beyond the Data Hype." International Studies Perspectives, Link.

  • Hirblinger, Andreas T. 2022. "Building a Peace We Don't know? The Power of Subjunctive Technologies in Digital Peacebuilding." Peacebuilding (online first), Link.

  • Hirblinger, Andreas T et al. 2022. "Digital Peacebuilding: A Framework for Critical–Reflexive Engagement." International Studies Perspectives (online first), Link.

  • Hirblinger, Andreas T. 2022. "When Mediators Need Machines (and Vice Versa): Towards a Research Agenda on Hybrid Peacemaking Intelligence." International Negotiation, 28 (1), 94-125, Link.

  • Hirblinger, Andreas T, and Dana Landau. 2021. "Inclusive of Whom and for What Purpose? Strategies of Inclusion in Peacemaking." In Rethinking Peace Mediation: Critical Perspectives on International Peacemaking, edited by Catherine Turner and Martin Wählisch. Bristol: Bristol University Press, Link.

  • Hirblinger, Andreas T, and Dana Landau. 2020. "Daring to Differ: Strategies of Inclusion in Peacemaking." Security Dialogue. 51 (4), 305–322, Link.

  • Hirblinger, Andreas T, and Dana Landau. 2018. "Governing Conflict: The Politics of Scaling Difference." Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 12 (3), 385-404, Link.

  • Hirblinger, Andreas T and Claudia Simons. 2015. "The Good, the Bad, and the Powerful: Representations of the 'Local' in Peacebuilding." Security Dialogue, 46 (5), 422–39, Link.

Policy and practice-relevant reports and briefs

  • Hirblinger, Andreas T. 2022. "Multitrack Digital Inclusion and Data-Driven Peacemaking." Ottawa Dialogue Policy Brief No. 6 (November 2022), Link.

  • Hirblinger, Andreas T. 2021. "From Promise to Prospects: Artificial Intelligence and Inclusive Peacemaking." Techpops. Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF), Link.

  • Hirblinger, Andreas T.; Morrison Maude; and Helena Puig Larrauri. 2021. "Digital Analysis: Peacemaking Potential and Promise." Accord, Issue 29. Conciliation Resources, Link.

  • Hirblinger, Andreas T. 2020. "Digital Inclusion in Mediated Peace Processes: How Technology Can Enhance Participation." Peaceworks. Washington D.C.: United States Institute of Peace, Link.

  • Paffenholz, Thania; Hirblinger, Andreas T; Landau, Dana; Fritsch, Felix; and Constance Djikstra. 2017. "Preventing Violence through Inclusion: From Building Momentum to Sustaining Peace." Thematic Background Paper to the UN-World Bank Study ‘Pathways to Peace.’ Geneva: Inclusive Peace & Transition Initiative, Link.
