Hoffmann Centre for Global Sustainability

The Hoffmann Centre for Global Sustainability (HCGS) emerges as a leading research and policy hub in Europe dedicated to promoting integrated sustainability that is both nature positive and socially equitable.

The new centre’s double mission is: 

  • to conduct cutting-edge academic research on the complex interactions between natural, economic, social, legal and political systems
  • to inform, through research and outreach, decision-making on global sustainability for a peaceful, equitable and sustainable world for current and future living communities

The HCGS integrates several focused research programmes, continuing the critical work initiated by CIES.

The HCGS works across seven thematic tracks:

  • Political Economics of Sustainable Governance
  • Sustainable Global Trade and Development
  • Finance for Climate and Nature
  • Environmental Governance
  • Climate Energy and Technology
  • Resources and Development
  • Food and Agrarian Studies

A cross-cutting Data Lab for Climate and Nature will also be launched to support these initiatives, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of sustainability from multiple dimensions, including natural, economic, social, legal, and political systems.

With five dedicated Hoffmann Chairs and a collaborative network of professors and researchers, the HCGS will synergise efforts with other research centres at the Institute, such as the Centre for Finance and Development, and international institutions like the Hoffmann Global Institute for Business and Society at INSEAD.

Why Global Sustainability? Launch of the Hoffmann Centre for Global Sustainability

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The Hoffmann Centre for Global Sustainability (HCGS) is the result of the generous support of the Hoffmann Foundation. This new research centre builds on the legacy of the Center for International Environmental Studies (CIES), emerging as a leading research and policy hub in Europe dedicated to promoting integrated sustainability that is both nature positive and socially equitable. 

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Hoffmann Centre for Global Sustainability
Maison de la paix
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A
Petal 3, 4th floor
Case Postale 1672
CH-1211 Genève 1



The Maison de la paix is located at Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A, on the corner of Avenue de France. You may take tram 15 until stop Maison de la paix or, alternatively, it is a few minutes’ walk from Place des Nations.