Christophe Gironde 092021

Christophe GIRONDE

Senior Lecturer, Development Studies
Spoken languages
English, French, Vietnamese, Norwegian, Spanish
  • Development and Cooperation
  • Sustainability and SDGs
  • Cities, Space and Geographies
  • Gender, Class, Race and Intersectionality
Geographical Area
  • Africa, Eastern
  • Africa, Middle
  • Africa, Western
  • America, South
  • Asia, South-eastern
  • Asia, Southern


Christophe Gironde is a political economist, currently working as a senior lecturer at the Graduate Institute. He received his PhD from the Graduate Institute of Development Studies (University of Geneva) in 2001. His thesis analyses the restoration and transformation of the household economy in rural Vietnam (1985-2000). His main domains for teaching and research are agrarian change, livelihoods and human development. He has extensive field research experience in rural Vietnam and Cambodia, and previously in the Republic of Congo and Burundi. Before joining the Institute in 2004, he worked as a researcher in Norway (Fafo, International Studies). His current research addresses transitions to agroecology (Ethiopia, Kenya, Burkina Faso, India, Bolivia), agricultural commercialization and their gender consequences on livelihoods and food security Cambodia), and land governance (Mekong Region)



  • Food security
  • Urban & rural worlds
  • Development, cooperation, aid policies
  • Emerging countries
  • Intersectional inequalities & emancipation
  • Environmental governance & policies
  • Extractive economies, commodities & natural resources
  • Sustainability, sustainable development & SDGs



  • Burundi
  • Ethiopia
  • Kenya
  • Congo
  • Burkina Faso
  • Mali
  • Bolivia
  • Colombia
  • Cambodia
  • Vietnam
  • India



  • Agrarian change and migration/mobility
  • Développement, pauvreté et inégalité en Asie du Sud-est
  • Migration, mobility and boundaries (Applied research projects)
  • Mondes paysans: crises, persistances et innovations
  • From emergency to development

Selected publications


  • J. Bourke-Martignoni, C. Gironde, C. Golay, E. Prügl, and D. Tsikata (Eds), Agricultural commercialisation, gender equality and the right to food: insights from Cambodia and Ghana, Abingdon UK, Routledge (forthcoming)
  • C. Gironde and G. Carbonnier (Eds.), 2019, The ILO @ 100 - Addressing the Past and Future of Work and Social Protection, International Development Policy series No.11 (Geneva, Boston: Graduate Institute Publications, Brill-Nijhoff.
  • C. Gironde, C. Golay and P. Messerli (eds), 2015, Large-Scale Land Acquisitions: Focus on South-East Asia, International Development  Policy series No.6, Geneva: Graduate Institute Publications, Boston: Brill-Nijhoff
  • F. Fortunel et C. Gironde (sous la direction de), 2014. L’Or Blanc. Petits et grands planteurs à l’épreuve du «boom» de l’hévéaculture. Regards croisés Viêt-nam-Cambodge, Bangkok: Institut de Recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est Contemporaine; Carnets de l’IRASEC 24
  • Le Vietnam à l’aube du XXIème siècle – Bilan et perspectives politiques, économiques et sociales, Christophe Gironde et Jean-Luc Maurer (sous la direction de), 2004, Paris : Karthala, Genève: IUHEI-IUED, 353 p.

Peer-reviewed articles

Book chapters

  • Martignoni, J.B., Gironde, C., Golay, C., Prügl, E., Reysoo, F. and Tsikata, D., 2022. Agricultural commercialization, gender equality, and the right to food. In Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food (pp. 1-22). Routledge.
  • Gironde, C., Ramirez, A.T., Peeters, A. and Thida, K., 2022. From food crop to food shop. Agricultural commercialization, food security, and gender relations in Cambodia. In Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food (pp. 26-47). Routledge.
  • Martignoni, J.B., Gironde, C., Golay, C., Prügl, E., Reysoo, F. and Tsikata, D., 2022. From the unequal harvests of commercialization to the right to food and gender equality: What roles for governments, agribusinesses, and rural communities?. In Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food (pp. 241-254). Routledge.
  • C. Gironde (2019). Les espaces ruraux : une mise en valeur et une intégration renforcée. In L’Asie du Sud-Est. Une géographie régionale, Céline Pierdet et Éric Sarraute (Coordinateurs), Paris : Ellipses, pp. 143-153
  • C. Gironde (2018). Le monde rural. In Histoire du Viêt Nam de la colonisation à nos jours, B. de Tréglodé (Editeur), Paris: Editions de la Sorbonne, pp. 139-159
  • C. Gironde (2018). Agrarian transition, adaptation and contained conflict in Cambodia and Vietnam since the 1990s. In Crisis and Conflict in the Agrarian World: An Evolving Dialectic, Zurayk R. Woertz E. and Bahn R. (eds), Oxfordshire: CABI Publishers, pp. 214-231
  • C. Gironde et F. Fortunel (2014), Le ‘boom’ de l’hévéaculture au Cambodge : une conversion hasardeuse pour les petits producteurs autochtones de Ratanakiri, in L’Or Blanc. Petits et grands planteurs à l'épreuve du 'boom' de l’hévéaculture : regards croisés Viêt-Nam-Cambodge, Bangkok: Institut de Recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est Contemporaine (IRASEC), pp. 143-171.
  • C. Gironde et B. de Tréglodé (2011), “Viêt Nam : une année à l’ombre du Congrès”, in L’Asie du Sud-Est 2011, Bangkok: Institut de Recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est Contemporaine (IRASEC), pp. 309-332.
  • F. Fortunel et C. Gironde (2011), “Transitions agraires et recompositions sociales en Asie du Sud-Est”, in Dynamiques des espaces ruraux dans le monde, J. Guibert (Editeur), Paris: Armand Colin (collection U), pp. 215-235.
  • C. Gironde (2009), “La croissance agricole et ses limites”, in Viet Nam Contemporain, Benoît de Tréglodé et Stéphane Dovert (sous la direction de), Paris: Les Indes Savantes et Bangkok: Institut de Recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est Contemporaine (IRASEC), pp. 219-246.
Christophe Gironde
Christophe Gironde

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