Sohnee Harshey

Sohnee Harshey

PhD Candidate in Anthropology and Sociology
Spoken languages
English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati


PhD Supervisor: Shaila Seshia Galvin


Sohnee Harshey is a first-year PhD student in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology. Her current research interests include urban political ecology, particularly intersecting questions of waste, planning, and conservation in peri-urban India. Her prior academic training includes a BA (Hons) in History at St. Stephen’s College, Delhi, an MA in Social Work and an MPhil in Women’s Studies at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.  

Before commencing the PhD, Sohnee led the communications and advocacy efforts of Nirantar Trust, a feminist organisation working on women’s literacy and pedagogy in rural North India as well as its think tank, The Third Eye portal. Between 2017–2020, Sohnee was part of the founding team of Economic and Political Weekly’s digital initiative EPW Engage, where she was involved in reimagining the journal’s digital presence in innovative multimedia formats. Earlier in her career, she has also been an educator in a university space, conducting multilingual research training for students in the social sciences. She gained experience in implementing large field surveys and livelihood enhancement plans during her work with a state forest department in India.

Publications and Works

  • Harshey, Sohnee and Pratibha Sharma (2016): “Making Waste Matter: Reimagining Urban Renewal and Advocating for Waste-pickers' Right to a Dignified Livelihood,” Land, Labour and Livelihoods: Indian Women's Perspectives, Fernandez et al (eds), Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-40865-1.
  • Harshey, Sohnee (2021): “Either We All Live in a Decent World, Or Nobody Does,” The Third Eye, 30 June,
  • Harshey, Sohnee (2021): “Private Health Insurance Has No Future in India, or Anywhere Else in the World,” The Third Eye, 24 September,


Centre for Digital Humanities and Multilateralism