PhD Thesis
Title: Self Determination Conflicts: Dynamics and Consequences
PhD Supervisor & Co-Supervisor: Timothy Swanson and Jérémy Lucchetti
Expected completion date: 2023
Pedro is a PhD candidate in Development Economics. He obtained a bachelor's degree in Economics and a Master in Economic Analysis from Universidad de Chile. He is currently working as Research Assistant in the Centre for International Environmental Studies. He has worked as teaching assistant in Chili for six years both in undergradutate and master programs and three as TA for MINT programs in the Geneva Graduate Institute. Besides, he has worked as research assistant and consultant for the World Bank, UNCTAD and the ILO. Given his Mapuche heritage, his research interest are self determination conflicts, political representation and deforestation for indigenous groups in Latin America.
Research Interests
Political Economy
Relevant Publications and Works
Cayul, P., A. Corvalan, D. Jaimovich, and M. Pazzona (2021). Introducing MACEDA: New Micro-Data on an Indigenous Self-Determination Conflict. Journal of Peace Research (Forthcoming)
Academic Work Experience
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant for six years at the Universidad de Chile in both Undergradutate and Master programs
Teaching Assistant at the Geneva Graduate Institute for the Interdisciplinary Masters in Development and International Affairs
Research Experience
Research Assistant at the World Bank, UNCTAD and the ILO