Global Health Centre
10 September 2020


The Global Health Centre has published multiple articles, interviews, videos and discussions on the coronavirus outbreak. All our COVID-19 news and webinars are available on this page.

The impact of the Trump administration's decision to halt WHO funding
with Suerie Moon
Are the International Health Regulations fit for purpose?
with Gian Luca Burci

COVID-19 Data Sources | International Cooperation to Control the Coronavirus Pandemic

The GHC talks about the coronavirus in the Press

The Conversation

It’s time for us all to fund the WHO

by Suerie Moon
Think Global Health

COVID-19 is Smoke and Mirrors

by Ilona Kickbusch
Le Temps

épée de Damoclès financière sur l’OMS

with Gian Luca Burci
Le Temps

Une seconde vague de Covid-19?

with Suerie Moon

Experts answer your key Covid19 questions

with Suerie Moon
TVA Nouvelles

Aînés affamés et déshydratés

with Vinh-Kim Nguyen

How a virus is turning the world upside down

by Ilona Kickbusch
Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Die WHO hofiert China und ignoriert Taiwan

with Gian Luca Burci
Avis d'esperts, RTS

Triage des patients: quel mode d'emploi?

with Vinh-Kim Nguyen
L'Humanité Dimanche

Les contraintes d’accès à un vaccin seront sévères

with Suerie Moon
Think Global Health

EU: Strongly United for Health, Deeply Divided on the Economy

by Ilona Kickbusch

Global cooperation for Covid-19 drugs for all

with Suerie Moon
AFP, Ouest France, La Croix

L’OMS à nouveau sur la sellette

with Suerie Moon
Development Today

Donors slow to fund global coronavirus response

with Suerie Moon
International Health Policies Network

Fighting COVID19 – A contest of facts against fear

Mentions GHC Events
Le Temps

L'OMS ne sortira pas indemne de cette pandémie

with Ilona Kickbusch
Think Global Health

The Big European Shut Down

by Ilona Kickbusch & Susan Bergner
The New York Times

The World Has a Plan, Countries Are Not Using it

with Gian Luca Burci
Think Global Health

Much at Stake as EU Battles COVID-19

by Ilona Kickbusch
Le Temps

Coronavirus: les Etats-Unis courent au désastre

with Suerie Moon
La Tribune de Genève

La clé, c’est la transmission

with Suerie Moon
Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The Outbreak of COVID-19

by Gian Luca Burci

How to cope with coronavirus?

with Suerie Moon and Gian Luca Burci

We Need New forms of Governance

by Ilona Kickbusch
Le Monde

La rumeur, l’autre épidémie qui préoccupe l’OMS

with Suerie Moon
Aargauer Zeitung

Vor diesen Szenen fürchtet sich die Welt

GHC Webinar, Experience of Amy Qin
Heidi News

La Chine et les Etats-Unis ne respectent pas le règlement

with Suerie Moon
Il Manifesto

La democrazia e i diritti alla prova dell’epidemia

with Gian Luca Burci
China Daily

Nation sets example in fighting virus

with Suerie Moon
Aargauer Zeitung

Immer mehr Infizierte werden sich verstecken!

with Suerie Moon

Response to the emerging coronavirus outbreak

by Ilona Kickbusch & Gabriel Leung
Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Der WHO kämpft gegen das Coronavirus

with Suerie Moon
Health Policy Watch

Laws Governing Health Emergencies Need Reform

with Gian Luca Burci
Le Temps

Le monde n'est pas prêt à affronter une pandémie

with Suerie Moon
Le Temps

L’urgence internationale est déclarée

with Suerie Moon
La Tribune de Genève

L’OMS a enfin décrété l’urgence internationale

with Suerie Moon
China Internet Information Center

COVID-19: La Chine montre l'exemple

with Suerie Moon
Science Mag

WHO prevents a pandemic without offending China

with Ilona Kickbusch

The Global Governance of Outbreaks: From Ebola to the Novel Coronavirus

The current coronavirus outbreak comes with many uncertainties and unprecedented factors which are generating social and economic repercussions. Even if significant reforms have been developed since the 2014-2016 West African Ebola crisis, countries and global systems are not adequately prepared to respond to global outbreaks. On 19 February 2020, Suerie Moon, Co-Director of the Global Health Centre, presented the current state of the global governance of outbreaks and highlighted areas that require greater attention such as:

  • access to drugs, vaccines and pathogen samples;
  • national and global health systems financing;
  • trade and travel restrictions;
  • public communication and trust.

Watch the video

Suerie Moon, Co-Director of the Global Health Centre © Graduate Institute, Geneva

Global Preparedness Monitoring Board

Global Preparedness Monitoring Board

The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) is an independent monitoring and accountability body, co-convened by the World Health Organization and the World Bank Group to ensure preparedness for global health crises.

The GPMB provides an independent and comprehensive appraisal for policy makers about progress towards increased preparedness and response capacity for disease outbreaks and other emergencies. Members of the Board include political leaders, agency principals and experts such as Ilona Kickbusch, Chair of the International Advisory Board of the Global Health Centre.

Latest news from the GPMB



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