Over $2 billion of public, philanthropic and private funding has already been poured into research and development (R&D) efforts to detect, treat, and prevent Covid-19. The scale and speed of science are unprecedented. However, will the resulting diagnostics, drugs and vaccines be accessible to all who need them - and how quickly? High global demand, limited supply and the risk that manufacturing countries will block exports highlight the urgency of these questions. This webinar will cover recent developments in the R&D pipeline and measures to improve access to the fruits of that research. Speakers will discuss what has been done, where the biggest challenges lie, and future prospects.
- Marie-Paule Kieny, Director of Research, Inserm
- Carlos Correa, Executive Director, South Centre, Geneva
- Temmy Sunyoto, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Global Health Centre
- Marcela Vieira, Researcher and Project Coordinator, Knowledge Network for Innovation and Access to Medicines, Global Health Centre
- Moderated by Suerie Moon, Co-Director, Global Health Centre; Visiting Lecturer, Graduate Institute, Geneva