In July 2022, the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy launched a new working paper series.
The series seeks to publish early-stages and original research, particularly from early and mid career researchers. It seeks to convene conversations around AHCD's key themes to build a transdisciplinary and global network of early-career researchers and more established scholars, and to provide constructive feedback to authors to help develop papers as a step toward publication in a peer-review outlet.
Most of all, we seek to offer an accessible and welcoming process that can help scholars learn about the academic publishing process in a professional, friendly, and supportive way.
We welcome submissions on themes related to democracy and democratic participation, threats to democracy, and autocracy. The series is multi-disciplinary, and seeks to attract contributions from diverse fields, including but not limited to anthropology, economics, history, international relations, law, political science, and sociology.
Newly published working paper
Current series
The previous special focused on the rule of law and authoritarian practices. We are particularly interested in papers that examine the relationship between law and authoritarianism, whether at an international, national, or local level, including lived experiences. We understand law broadly, including both formal and informal legal orders.
We also welcome papers on the use of media/social media, authoritarianism and race/gender/sexuality, and transnational networks of authoritarian leaders, parties, and movements.