Albert O. Hirschman

There are many reasons why this Centre on Democracy is named after Albert O. Hirschman but the most obvious one is that Hirschman best represents the type of research and the type of researchers the Centre is interested to host.

Albert O. Hirschman was born in Berlin in 1915, a turbulent period and a dangerous place for a Jewish, progressive intellectual. By the age of nineteen, Hirschman had witnessed the collapse of the cosmopolitan world his generation sought to protect, as persecution, intolerance, and war swept across Europe. His extraordinary journey led him from Germany to Spain, where he fought in the Civil War, to occupied France, where he helped smuggle refugees to safety, and finally to the United States. There, he became one of the most influential experts on Latin America, focusing on the challenges of economic and political development.

Hirschman’s life experiences profoundly shaped his intellectual pursuits. He was fascinated by two critical questions:

  • Why do people engage or disengage from public welfare?
  • How do individuals bring about social or political change?

He proposed that societies go through collective cycles of engagement periods of passionate activism followed by phases of retreat into private, individual goals. These ideas remain strikingly relevant today and continue to inspire debates about public action and societal transformation. For a deeper exploration of his contributions, read this article on his work analyzing Latin America’s development and his enduring intellectual legacy.


The Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy

At the heart of the Graduate Institute in Geneva, the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy is a global hub for critical reflection on democracy, public engagement, and the social transformations Hirschman studied. Inspired by his principles, the Centre brings together scholars, policymakers, and activists to explore how democratic institutions evolve and respond to pressing challenges in an increasingly interconnected world.

The Centre’s work closely aligns with Hirschman’s belief in the importance of “voice”: advocating for reform and improving institutions through constructive engagement. Through research, events, and publications, the Centre examines the dynamics of public action, democratic resilience, and social change. Key areas of focus include:

  • Transformation Of Economies, Inequalities, and Solidarities
  • Technology, Democratic Innovation, and Media
  • Democratic Governance, Participation, and Accountability

Learn more about the Centre’s mission and ongoing projects on the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy’s homepage.

Albert O. Hirschman, 1962 © Hernán Díaz

Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Hirschman’s Groundbreaking Theory

In his most famous work, Exit, Voice, and Loyalty, Hirschman examined how individuals respond to failing organizations or institutions. He identified two key strategies:

  • Exit: Leaving or “voting with one’s feet.” Exit is often seen as the consumer’s choice, favored by economists, as it pushes organizations to improve through competition. However, Hirschman noted that excessive reliance on exit can also undermine efforts to reform society.
  • Voice: Staying and advocating for change from within. Voice-driven activism is constructive, requiring individuals to offer solutions, take responsibility for their ideas, and sometimes challenge authority. Rooted in loyalty, this approach values the institution or community in question, striving to improve it rather than abandon it. For loyal members, exit can feel like betrayal.

The Centre’s research reflects these ideas, exploring how democratic institutions can better support “voice” and ensure meaningful engagement in a time when “exit” is increasingly seen as the primary response to dissatisfaction.

For an engaging discussion of Hirschman’s analysis of political and economic strategies, explore this reading of his ideas on societal cycles of hope and bias and his insights into global challenges.

Why Hirschman’s Work Matters Today

Albert O. Hirschman’s theories remain essential tools for understanding democratic engagement, societal transformation, and globalization’s impact on collective action. His framework encourages us to reconsider how we respond to crises, whether by exiting or raising our voices, and what loyalty means in an increasingly interconnected world.

The Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy continues to advance his vision by fostering interdisciplinary research and dialogue. From public events to policy briefs and academic publications, the Centre creates opportunities to address the critical issues facing democracy today. To learn more, explore their news and initiatives here.

The Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman