Global development challenges, amplified by climate change and conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza have never been so high, calling into question the achievement of the development goals set out in the 2030 Agenda.

This programme explores some of the most pressing development issues and gives you the skills to elaborate innovative solutions. By immersing yourself in one of our six regional hubs, you will be better able to link local realities to the global context.

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  • Learn about key concepts, actors, policies and debates to better link your local realities to the global context

  • Acquire strategic management tools to improve your projects and/or formulate new strategies, from a long-term perspective

  • Sharpen your professional skills and critical thinking to elaborate innovative solutions and become more agile in decision-making

  • Conduct a professional thesis to deepen your expertise and recommend concrete and effective changes in your working environment

  • Strengthen your leadership and communication skills to gain influence and better interact with different types of stakeholders

  • Expand your professional network to develop synergies and exchange best practices on topics of common interest

Who is this programme for?

  • Professionals who hold or aspire to hold leadership positions in governments, international organisations, NGOs and the broader civil society space

  • Professionals from the private sector seeking to gain knowledge and experience in the field of development


Related SDGs

SDG 1 - No poverty SDG 2 - zero hunger SDG 4 - quality education SDG 9 - industry, innovation and infrastructure  SDG 17 - partnerships for the goals

Module 1

3 weeks full-time in Accra, Bangkok, Bishkek, Doha, Lima or Ouagadougou & 2 weeks full-time online - Certificate & Diploma

  • Get critical perspectives on key problematics related to global development challenges

  • Analyse region-specific issues and interactions between policies, practices and stakeholders

  • Rethink projects using strategic management tools, with a long-term perspective

  • Acquire methodological skills to carry out a professional thesis

The participants in the Certificate must write a paper and submit it two months after the end of the module.


Module 2

4 months part-time at your workplace with e-learning - Diploma only

  • Conduct data collection and analysis for your professional thesis

  • Write your professional thesis (on a thematic relevant to your work)

  • Attend elective e-learning courses on different topics, including on gender


Module 3

2.5 weeks full-time in international Geneva - Diploma only

  • Strengthen your leadership and communication skills

  • Present the findings of your professional thesis to your peers

  • Participate in work sessions with public administrations, international organisations and NGOs

Courses are in English, French or Spanish (with translations)


pedagogical approaches

  • Peer-to-peer learning - engage with peers from various continents and sectors

  • Interactive teaching - learn actively with learner-centred approaches

  • Partners faculty and speakers - benefit from guidance and coaching from our staff

  • Case studies, field visits - look into concrete field projects and classes

  • Diversity - benefit from exposure to speakers, faculty staff and peers from four continents

  • Professional thesis - write a paper with professional relevance and impact through guidance from teachers and discussions with peers


Caucasus & Central Asia

Module 1 (Online): 30 June to 9 July 2025
Module 1 (Bishkek): 14 July to 6 Aug. 2025
Module 2 (E-learning): Sept. to Nov. 2025
Module 2 (Professional Thesis): Aug. to Dec. 2025
Module 3 (Geneva): Jan. / Feb. 2026


English-speaking Africa

Module 1 (Online): 30 June to 11 July 2025
Module 1 (Accra): 11 to 29 Aug. 2025
Module 2 (E-learning):  Sept. to Nov. 2025
Module 2 (Professional Thesis):  Aug. to Dec. 2025
Module 3 (Geneva): Jan. / Feb. 2026

French-speaking Africa

Module 1 (Online): 10 to 19 Sept. 2025
Module 1 (Ouagadougou): 5 to 28 Aug. 2025
Module 2 (E-learning):  Sept. to Nov. 2025
Module 2 (Professional Thesis):  Aug. to Dec. 2025
Module 3 (Geneva): Jan. / Feb. 2026 


Middle East & North Africa

Module 1 (Online): 28 July to 8 Aug. 2025
Module 1 (Doha): 25 Aug. to 5 Sept. 2025
Module 2 (E-learning):  Sept. to Nov. 2025
Module 2 (Professional Thesis):  Aug. to Dec. 2025
Module 3 (Geneva): Jan. / Feb. 2026 


Latin America

Module 1 (Online): 30 June to 9 July 2025
Module 1 (Lima): 18 Aug. to 10 Sept. 2025
Module 2 (E-learning):  Sept. to Nov. 2025
Module 2 (Professional Thesis):  Aug. to Dec. 2025
Module 3 (Geneva): Jan. / Feb. 2026


Southeast Asia

Module 1 (Online): 14 to 18 July 2025
Module 1 (Bangkok): 30 July to 28 Aug. 2025
Module 2 (E-learning): Sept. to Nov. 2025
Module 2 (Professional Thesis):  Aug. to Dec. 2025
Module 3 (Geneva): Jan. / Feb. 2026 


Key information


Certificate: CHF 8'500
Diploma: CHF 3'500 to 25'000, according to country of origin

Priority countries - Diploma only

If you are coming from a priority country, your financial contribution will be limited to CHF 3'500. Logistics are provided and covered by the programme. You are only required to organise and take at your expense the round trip to attend Module 1.

Opportunities for other countries - Diploma only

If you are coming from a non-priority country, you may still be eligible for cost reduction, and your financial contribution will be fixed according to the Human Development Index (HDI):

  • CHF 12'500 for candidates coming from a country with a low-to-medium HDI
  • CHF 17'500 for candidates coming from a country with a high HDI
  • CHF 25'000 for candidates coming from a country with a very high HDI

Logistics are provided and covered by the programme. You are only required to organise and take at your expense the round trip to attend Module 1.

Swiss candidates - Diploma only

Your contribution will vary between CHF 3'500 and CHF 25'000 and will be fixed according to your 'Revenu Déterminant Unifié' (RDU). For more information, please, contact the DPP Team.

If you are a Geneva taxpayer, you may be eligible for the chèque annuel de formation (CAF) up to CHF 2'250, delivered by the Canton of Geneva. You must make the CAF request before the start of the training.
The programme reference for the Executive Certificate is 7012.
The programme reference for the Executive Diploma is 2713.

Scholarship Terms and Conditions

Entry requirements
  • Bachelor's degree (minimum three years) and several years (ideally 5-7 years) of professional experience (or an equivalent combination of training and experience)
  • Proficiency in either English, French or Spanish
  • Support of the applicant's organisation - Diploma only
  • Optimal age: between 30 and 45 years - Diploma only
Degrees awarded

Executive Certificate in Development Policies and Practices
Certificate of Advanced Studies (15 ECTS)
Requires successful completion of Module 1 assessments and final paper

Executive Diploma in Development Policies and Practices
Diploma of Advanced Studies (30 ECTS)
Requires successful completion of Modules 1, 2 and 3 assessments and professional thesis

Both programmes count towards the Executive Master in International Relations

Application process
  • Online application form
  • Scanned copies of your academic degrees
  • Letter of reference from your current or previous employer -  Certificate only
  • Letter from your current employer explaining the relevance of your professional thesis for the institution's activities and objectives. This letter must be written on headed paper and include the full contact details of the person signing it: surname, first name, position, email address and telephone number - Diploma only - Download letter outline
Alumnae-i benefits
  • Membership of the Graduate Institute alumnae-i network of 20,000+
  • 10% discount on Executive Education programmes
  • Networking and professional development opportunities through the alumnae-i regional chapters and the DPP community of practice

Engage with professors, renowned professionals and peers from around the world. Get hands-on experience in one of our six regional hubs and benefit from the best expertise of regional universities, bilateral agencies, NGOs, public administrations and international organisations. Each year, the programme welcomes a high number of guest speakers from all sectors in addition to our core faculty. It also emphasises peer-to-peer learning and offers multiple spaces for discussion and exchange between participants and alumnae-i.

Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou

Yam Pukri | | Sylvestre Ouedraogo & Leslie Leossogo


  • Dominique Rossier - Coordinatrice académique pour l’Afrique francophone

  • Sylvestre Ouedraogo - Directeur de Yam Pukri, Chercheur à l’Université de Ouagadougou

  • Christophe Gironde - Chargé d'enseignement et de recherche en études du développement (IHEID)

  • Jean-Michel Servet - Professeur honoraire en études du développement (IHEID)

  • Mahaman Tidjani Alou - Professeur agrégé de science politique à l’Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey

  • Younoussa Touré - Anthropologue, Directeur de recherche à l’Université de Bamako


  • Leslie Leossogo - Chargée de programme, Yam Pukri

  • Amélie Zio - Coordinatrice de Yam Pukri

Ghana, Accra

University of Ghana Business School | | Gifty Enchill


  • Matteo Guidotti - Academic Coordinator for English-speaking Africa

  • Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai - Senior Lecturer in the Department of Public Administration (UGBS) and Honorary Research Fellow at the Global Development Institute, University of Manchester (UK)

  • Mohammed-Anwar Sadat Adam - Development Practitioner, Consultant and Researcher

  • Oliver Jütersonke - Head of Research at the Centre on Conflict, Development &  Peacebuilding (IHEID)

  • Akosua Keseboa Darkwah - Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology of the University of Ghana

  • Lord Mawuko-Yevugah - Senior Lecturer/Coordinator, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration

  • Ebo Turkson - Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics, University of Ghana


  • Mario Nartey - Programme Administrator, UGBS

  • Gifty Enchill - Business Development Manager, UGBS

Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek

The American University of Central Asia | | Aikokul Arzieva


  • Assel Tutumlu - Academic Coordinator for Central Asia & Caucasus

  • Aikokul Arzieva - Assistant Professor, Social Sciences Division, Department of Social Anthropology (AUCA)

  • Oliver Jütersonke - Research Associate, Centre on Conflict, Development & Peacebuilding (IHEID)

  • Massimo Pallottino - Head of Asia and Oceania Desk, Caritas Italiana

  • Medet Tiulegenov - Assistant Professor, International and Comparative Politics Department (AUCA)


  • Gulzat Ibraeva - Assistant, Social Sciences Division (AUCA)

Peru, Lima

Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo | | Liliana Zamalloa


  • Liliana Soler - Coordinadora académica para América latina

  • Molvina Zeballos Manzur - Socióloga y miembro del Consejo Directivo de desco

  • Daniele Fino - Consultor y ex director del programa

  • Graziella Moraes Silva - Profesor asistente en antropología y sociología (IHEID)

  • Félix Reátegui Carrillo - Asesor del Instituto de Democracia y Derechos Humanos, PUCP

  • Dario Restrepo - Profesor en la facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia

  • Eduardo Toche Medrano - Historiador e investigador, desco


  • Liliana Zamalloa Jordán - Coordinadora del DPP, desco

Qatar, Doha

Hamad Bin Khalifa University | | Evren Tok


  • Alaa Tartir - Academic Coordinator for Middle-East & North Africa

  • Evren Tok - Associate Dean of Community Engagement, College of Public Policy, HBKU

  • Alexandre Dormeier Freire - Programme Director

  • Logan Cochrane - Associate Professor, HBKU

  • Duygu Sever Mehmetoglu - Post-Doctoral Researcher, HBKU


  • Ayah M. Deif - Senior Administrator, HBKU

  • Alina Zaman - Research Assistant, HBKU

Switzerland, Geneva

Executive Education, Graduate Institute | | DPP Team


  • Alexandre Dormeier Freire - Programme Director

  • Matteo Guidotti - Academic Coordinator for English-speaking Africa

  • Phan Nguyen - Academic Coordinator for Southeast Asia

  • Dominique Rossier - Academic Coordinator for French-speaking Africa

  • Assel Tutumlu - Academic Coordinator for Central Asia & Caucasus

  • Liliana Soler - Academic Coordinator for Latin America

  • Alaa Tartir - Academic Coordinator for Middle East & North Africa

  • Cédric Dupont - Professor in International Relations / Political Science

  • Daniele Fino - Consultant and ex-director of the DPP programme


  • Sofia Mueller - Programme Manager

  • Stéphanie Roy Michael - Promotion & Community Officer

  • Claire Francioli - Programme Assistant

Thailand, Bangkok

Asian Institute of Technology | | Dao Thanh Yen


  • Phan Nguyen - Academic Coordinator for Southeast Asia

  • Winai Wongsurawat - Regional Academic Coordinator, AIT

  • Alexandre Dormeier Freire - Programme Director

  • Oliver Jütersonke - Head of Research at the Centre on Conflict, Development &  Peacebuilding (IHEID)

  • Cécile Molinier - Former Senior UN Official


  • Dao Thanh Yen - Administrative Assistant, AIT

Our Community

DPP Community

Join an impressive and diverse community of 20'000+ Graduate Institute alumnae-i, 110 nationalities for Executive Education alumnae-i alone, and 1000+ DPP alumnae-i in more than 80 countries, coming from all sectors and backgrounds!

DPP Alumni Facebook Group

Dissemination of professional theses

The DPP programme seeks to contribute to the dissemination and promotion of the professional theses among actors involved in development and international cooperation. These theses are listed by country and by topic.

If you want to receive one or the other of these theses, please contact

Professional theses - by country:


Professional theses - by topic:


Outcomes 2012 - 2021

Orkhan Ali



WASH Team Leader, Oxfam International in Tajikistan

"The DPP programme was very challenging and engaged all of us deeply in the course. The teaching staff and students shared particularly interesting viewpoints from their experiences in development, humanitarian, public and private sectors. I loved the cohort model and it greatly enhanced my life, from friendship to the professional connections from around the world."

Vankham Bounvilay


vankham bounvilay '20

Development Coordination Officer, United Nations in Lao PDR

"The DPP is one of the most wonderful academic experiences of mine. The programme not only brought me in-depth knowledge and viable strategies on the development sector, but also bridged me to distinguished professors and experts, and a solid network of colleagues and friends from across the world. 

The DPP has further consolidated my commitment and nurtured my professional passion to bring a better life to the Lao people."

Mohamed Ekbal Anak


mohamed ekbal anak '21

Senior Protection Assistant, UNHCR Syria

"My Office is working on a comprehensive analysis for which the results of my professional thesis 'Securing Housing, Land and Property Rights for Syrian Displaced Women:; Realities and Perspectives' will be useful and will feed into the overall report."

Immy Mulekatete


immy mulekatete '20

Head of Information & Communication, Never Again Rwanda

"The DPP was one of the most rewarding and profitable things I have ever done. The professors, fellow participants and coordinators were amazing, always approachable, helpful, interesting and motivating. I felt like the DPP team was fully involved in my success, which gave me a positive push to get the best out of the programme.

Six months after the graduation, I can attest to the fact that my look at development and the work I do has changed and the knowledge gained will help me to influence some aspects in my organisation. I feel empowered - because I know more."

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Applications 2025

Applications are now open


Module 1
Between July and Sept. 2025

Module 2
Between Aug. and Dec. 2025 - Diploma only

Module 3
Jan. to Feb. 2026 - Diploma only

See exact dates under 'key information'


Certificate: CHF 8'500
Diploma: CHF 3'500 to 25'000
(according to country of origin)

Fees include logistics, except for travel to Module 1


Scholarships, Alumni or Chèque de formation
Contact us


Module 1
in Accra, Bangkok, Bishkek, Doha, Lima or Ouagadougou & online

Module 2
at your workplace with e-learning

Module 3
in Geneva


English, French or Spanish

For organisations

Our open enrolment programmes can be adapted to fit the needs of your organisation.

Contact us

DPP Team

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In partnership with


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Asian Institute of Technology



in collaboration with the
University of Central Asia

With the support from


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