Tech Hub

We prepare our community to advance the ethical, sustainable, and inclusive adoption and governance of technology in international affairs.

With the considerable challenges that lie ahead, we must not only create opportunities for collective exploration and understanding but also for the deployment of new visions, constructive solutions and propositions for a desirable, sustainable, inclusive and plural future. Our expertise and research in the social sciences allow us to nourish these visions and proposals for the future, which in turn must guide the development of current and future technologies.




LEARN - Digital literacy and skills

  • Preparing our community for the tech-intensive world of today and tomorrow
  • Accelerating the digital transformation of teaching and learning at the Institute

INCUBATE - Applied research ideas and collaborations

  • Exploring new areas of applied research relevant to the Institute
  • Advising applied research projects on technology-related topics 

SHAPE - Technology policy and governance

  • Making our voice heard on tech-related policy and governance issues
  • Increasing the visibility of our technology research and expertise


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Research at the Institute

Artificial Intelligence

Learn more about the Institute's research, news, events, and publications about artificial intelligence.
AI Negotiation Challenge

Q&A session - AI Negotiation Challenge

Tech Hub, Executive Education
, -

Join our Q&A webinar to learn more about the AI Negotiation Challenge at The Geneva Graduate Institute. This unique event is an opportunity to explore the power of AI in Negotiation via an online global negotiation simulation on 23-24 May 2025.

Tech Hub news

Artificial intelligence on trial

Would you condemn AI?

An original event concluded the Hirschman Centre's program for Democracy Week 2024: a mock trial of artificial intelligence (AI). Presided over by Mr. Nicolas Capt, lawyer and expert in media law, and organized in collaboration with the Geneva Debate Club, the event staged a trial aimed at examining the role of AI in our democratic systems. Read the media coverage of the trial on SwissInfo here.

Le procès fictif de l’Intelligence Artificielle dans la démocratie
All about technology & the institute

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This research cluster, based on the Graduate institute’s thematic “Technology”, deals with issues such as innovation and social change, cybersecurity and cyberthreats, AI and the future of work, digital technologies and surveillance society, as well as the role of big data and computational methods in contemporary societies.

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Tech Hub
Maison de la paix
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2
Petal 3, 5th floor
Case Postale 1672
CH-1211 Genève 1



The Maison de la Paix is located at Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A, on the corner of Avenue de France. You may take tram 15 until Maison de la paix stop or, alternatively, walk a few minutes from the stop at Place des Nations.