Centre for Digital Humanities and Multilateralism

The creation of the Centre for Digital Humanities and Multilateralism is based on a strong conviction: that multilateralism must be able to rely on its century-old experience in Geneva to project itself with full confidence towards the future.

Founded following an original idea developed by ​​Grégoire Mallard, Director of Research of the Geneva Graduate Institute, and Francesco Pisano, Director of the Library and Archives of the United Nations in Geneva (UNOG), the Center builds on the partnership with the Library & Archives of the United Nations in Geneva and is committed:

  1. to renew the methods of analysis of diplomacy, multilateralism and international relations thanks to the contribution of digital humanities;
  2. to promote the rich intellectual and archival heritage of the Geneva Graduate Institute, the UN archives in Geneva, and the international governmental and non-governmental organizations of International Geneva thanks to scientific conferences and publications, and the creation of thematic digital libraries of relevance to research and teaching on multilateralism;
  3. to fasten the integration of the archives of multilateralism in Geneva within a carefully built network of archival institutions across the world – with a specific focus on building partnerships with archives from the Global South– so as to make the broader public understand the multiple dimensions of multilateralism as an instrument of diplomacy and cultural exchange.

Animated by an inter-disciplinary team of historians, sociologists, political scientists and international law scholars, the Center’s staff and its academic codirectors, Professors Grégoire Mallard and Davide Rodogno, welcome any proposal for affiliation, research proposal, and research stay from scholars interested in developing the missions of the Center.

Affiliated UN Library & Archives Geneva Members

Francesco Pisano

Francesco Pisano

Director of the UN Library & Archives Geneva
and adjunct director of the Centre for Digital
Humanities and Multilateralism

Blandine Blukacz

Blandine Blukacz-Louisfert 

Chief Archivist,
UN Library & Archives Geneva

Other Affiliated Researchers

Florian Cafiero

Florian Cafiero

Professor in Artificial Interligence,
École nationale des chartes

Beatrice Joyeux


Professor in Digital Humanities,
University of Geneva

Latest News

Upcoming events

Contact us


Centre for Digital Humanities and Multilateralism
Maison de la Paix
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A
Petal 1, 4th floor
Case Postale 1672
CH-1211 Genève 1



The Maison de la paix is located at Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A, on the corner of Avenue de France. You may take tram 15 until stop Maison de la paix, or alternatively a few minutes’ walk from Place des Nations