Collaborative Master with Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

The Graduate Institute and the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) have designed a collaborative master programme allowing students to obtain their master’s degree in three, rather than four, years.

Each year, up to four students, who are nominated by PUC-Rio, will be able to spend their first year there working towards a Master in International Relations from the Institute of International Relations (IRI/PUC-Rio) before transferring to the Graduate Institute.
At the Institute, they will spend the next two years working towards an Interdisciplinary Master in International and Development Studies. MA theses will be co-directed by a professor from both the Graduate Institute and IRI.
This master programme is ideal for MAPI students interested in pursuing careers in international affairs/development studies within government agencies, public corporations, economic and development institutions and related consulting organisations. 



The programme is open to students enrolled at the MAPI programme, nominated by IRI/PUC-Rio. Students nominated by IRI/PUC-Rio should have completed at least the equivalent of 180 ECTA at PUC-Rio before they enrol at the Graduate Institute.

At the Graduate Institute, participants will join the Master in International and Development Studies programme

Students will have the opportunity to take a French language course beginning in August before fall classes begin on 15 September.



Application and admissions

Before applying, interested students must first meet with the MAPI coordinator.

  • Once students are nominated for the collaborative master by MAPI, they must submit their application through a special link provided by PUC-Rio. 

  • Students will be responsible for meeting all application requirements and submitting all materials to the Graduate Institute in Geneva. 

  • The deadline for this application is 15 January

  • Admission into the programme is not final until the Graduate Institute approves the applicant’s file according to its prerequisites.

  • Admission to the programme is not final until the Graduate Institute approves the applicant’s file according to its evaluation and selection procedure.


Tuition fees and financial aid

  • Years 1 & 2: Students will pay tuition fees to PUC-Rio.

  • Year 3: Students will pay all tuition and fees to the Graduate Institute. During this year, students may also apply for need-based financial aid at the Institute. To be considered candidates must submit their financial aid request at the same time as their initial application to the Graduate Institute. Subsequent requests will not be considered.



For more information, please contact:

  • Mestrado Profissional em Análise e Gestão de Políticas Internacionais: Resolução de Conflitos e Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento (MAPI):
    Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann, MAPI Coordinator,

  • Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies:
    Eliane Minassian, Headof International Programmes,