
Matthew BAMBER

PhD Researcher in International Relations & Political Science
Spoken languages
English, French, Arabic

PhD Thesis


Title: The State of the Islamic State: ISIS's Rebel Governance and State-Building Project in its Iraqi and Syrian Territory

PhD Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Keith Krause and Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou

Matthew’s doctorate is funded by a Doc.CH grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation and focuses on the rebel governance effectiveness and historical state-building project of ISIS in its Iraqi and Syrian territory. His doctorate research is based on an original database of primary ISIS governing documents and interviews conducted with ISIS members and civilians in Iraq, Turkey and Lebanon.




Matthew Bamber is a Visiting Fellow on the ‘Resolving Jihadist Conflicts’ project at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University. Outside of academia, Matthew regularly leads research projects and gives briefings to governments and international organisations on issues related to Salafi-Jihadi armed groups, conflict and CVE/PVE.


Research Interests


  • Rebel Governance and Rebel Groups

  • Terrorism and Political Violence

  • Political Islam and State-building

  • Islamic State/ISIS/Al Qaeda

