PhD Thesis
Title: L'action positive en contexte color blind: La réception par les bénéficiaires en France et au Brésil
PhD Supervisor & Co-Supervisor: Graziella Moraes Silva and Veronica Toste Daflon (UFF- Brazil)
Expected completion date: 2024
My PhD project focuses on the reception of affirmative action policies by beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries in France and Brazil. I look at the outcomes and dilemmas these two models of affirmative action policies- characterized on the one side by the mobilization of ethno-racial categories and on the other by the avoidance of the language of race through the territorial criterion- create for students.
Camille Giraut holds an MA degree in anthropology and sociology from the Graduate Institute in Geneva. For her MA research, she followed processes of race and gender identification and mobilization among women in the Funk movement in Brazil through an intersectional analytical framework. She's currently a Ph.D candidate at the Graduate Institute and has been an invited scholar at Federal University of Fluminense (Brazil), in 2020 and 2021. In this context, she has been an active member of the Research group NEGRA (Núcleo de Pesquisa Guerreiro Ramos. She’s also a member of the Chair Yves Oltramare, led by Jean-François Bayart, and of the Swiss School of Latin American Studies (SSLAS). She has been a Representative of the doctoral students from the Graduate Institute for the CUSO Gender since 2020.
- Race and Ethnicity
- Diversity Studies
- Affirmative Action policies
- Antiracist policies
- Higher Education
- Repertoires
Relevant publications and works
Peer-reviewed articles
- Giraut, Camille, « From privileges to rights: changing perceptions of racial quotas in Brazil », Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2023, p. 1-24 :
- Moraes Silva, Graziella; Toste Daflon, Verônica ; Giraut, Camille, « Seeing Race Like a State: Higher Education Affirmative Action Verification Commissions in Brazil », Latin American Politics and Society, 2023, p. 1-26 :
- Giraut, Camille, « Subjectivation et (afro)féminisme dans le funk carioca », in Sociétés politiques comparées, 49 (septembre/décembre 2019), p. 1 – 30 :
Article under review
- Giraut, Camille, « Intersectionality in a « category-blind » context : the reception of the French Sciences Po’ Equal opportunity program (CEP) », French Politics.
Book chapters
- Toste Daflon, Verônica; Moraes Silva, Graziella; Giraut, Camille, « Raça, Estado e burocracias: as Comissões de Heteroclassificação nas Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior » in Rios Flavia, Luiz Augusto Campos, Raquel Guilherme de Lima (dir.), Raça e Estado, Rio de Janeiro, EdUERJ, 2022, p. 113-158.
Book reviews
- Giraut, Camille, Recension de l’ouvrage de Talpin, J., Belgacem, S. H. ; Balazard, H. (2021), et al. L’épreuve de la discrimination: Enquête dans les quartiers populaires, Presses Universitaires de France., in L'Année sociologique 2022/1 (Vol. 72), p. e4 à e9 :
- Giraut, Camille, Book review of Lépinard, Éléonore. Feminist Trouble: Intersectional Politics in Post-Secular Times. Oxford University Press, USA, 2020, in TSANTSA – Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association, 26/2021 (Dis/connection Matters: Natural, Synthetic, Digital), 238 - 240 :
Other publications and communication in new medias
- Giraut, Camille, “The Conundrum of Race and Affirmative Action in Higher Education", Global Challenges, Issue no. 14, November 2023, The future of universities :
- Giraut, Camille, « Rua Marielle Franco, du Brésil aux villes monde : quand le symbole de la lutte se multiplie et circule », 04/2019,
- Interview with Eric Fassin: "Gender, religious conservatism and the instrumentalization of freedoms", IHEID, 2020,
Academic work experience
Teaching Experience
- Fall 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021: 2 hour intervention at Fribourg University on gender and intersectionality in the course "Introduction à l’anthropologie sociale" led by David Bozzini
- 2020: Teaching Assistant for the online class « Raça e Política », led by Flávia Rios and organized by Unicamp
- Spring 2019: Teaching Assistant of the Yves Oltramare Chair ‘Religion and Politics in the Contemporary World’, IHEID, Geneva, Chair holder: Jean-François Bayart. Course "Religion et politique en Afrique" (ANSO053). Pedagogical responisiblities to deliver weekly seminars to support students not fluent in French
- Fall 2018: Teaching Assistant for the course "Dealing with the Past and Transitional Justice: Comparative Perspectives" by Riccardo Bocco (ANSO086)
- Fall 2018: Teaching Assistant for the course "Comprendre l'Afrique de l'Est aujourd'hui : Histoire et anthropologie/East Africa Between History and Anthropology" by Yvan Droz and Aidan Russel (ANSO080)
Research Experience
- 2018 : Research Assistant for the project "Global Race" led by Graziella Moraes da Silva
- 2019-2023: Main Researcher for the project "Affirmative Action and Reconceptualization of Race: The Positionnings of Black Collectives in Brazil" (SNF Doc.CH Grant)
Professional Experience in NGOs and Associations
2016-2017 : Swiss Association Vivre Ensemble – Intern : Website management, editing and events
2015-2016 : Association Radio Larzac – Civic service : Radio broadcaster and reporter
2015 : ONG Geneva for Human Rights – Writing of reports and policy briefs during sessions of the Human Right Council, ICCPR and CEDAW.
Fellowships, Grants and Awards
SNF Doc.CH Grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation (2019-2023)