PhD, Harvard University
Graziella Moraes Silva joined the Anthropology and Sociology Department at the Graduate Institute in 2016. Between 2011 and 2016 she was at the Department of Sociology of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil and is still affiliated to the Interdisciplinary Network for the Study of Inequality (NIED) at the same university. Her current research focuses on comparative race relations and elite’s perceptions of poverty and inequality. She is the PI in the FNS-funded project Elites in Unequal Democracies and, since 2021,Co-Director of the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy.
- Race, racism & discrimination
- South Africa
- Brazil
- Peru
- Michèle Lamont, Graziella Moraes Silva, Jessica Welburn, Joshua Guetzkow, Nissim Mizrahim, Hanna Herzog and Elisa Reis Getting Respect: Dealing with Stigmatization and Discrimination in the United States, Brazil and Israel. Princeton University Press, 2016.
- Edward.Telles and PERLA Team. Pigmentocracies: Ethnicity, Race, and Color in Latin America. University of North Carolina Press Books, 2014
- Translated to Spanish, by Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2020
- Translated to Portuguese by Editora UFRGS, 2021
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Graziella Moraes Silva, Veronica Toste Daflon, and Camille Giraut. "Seeing race like a state: higher education affirmative action verification commissions in Brazil." Latin American Politics and Society 66.1 (2024): 1-26.
- David Schieferdecker, Susanne Reinhardt, Jonathan Mijs, Graziella Moraes Silva, Chana Teeger, Flavio Carvalhaes & Jeremy Seekings. “Everyday conversations about economic inequality: a research agenda.” Sociology Compass, 18(9), e70001.
- Matias López, Graziella Moraes Silva, Chana Teeger and Pedro Marques. “Economic and cultural determinants of elite attitudes toward redistribution”. Socioeconomic Review V. 20, N 2 (2022): 489-514
- Meylin Gonzales, Graziella Moraes Silva and David Sulmont. “Negotiating racial categories: Census takers understandings of the ethnoracial question in Peru” Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies V. 17, N 2 (2022): 219.242
- Graziella Moraes Silva, Luciana de Souza Leão, Christina Ciocca Eller, Flavio Carvalhaes, & Thomas DiPrete (2021). Similar gaps, different paths? Comparing racial inequalities among BA holders in Brazil and the United States. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 62(5), 359-384.
- Graziella Moraes Silva, Luciana Souza Leão and Barbara Grillo. “Seeing Whites: Views from black Brazilians in Rio de Janeiro” Ethnic and Racial Studies V. 43, N. 4 (2020): 632-651. (*winner of 2020 Best Article Prize” by the Brazilian Section of the Latin American Studies Association)
- Brenna M Powell and Graziella Moraes Silva. "Technocrats’ Compromises: Defining Race and the Struggle for Equality in Brazil, 1970-2010" Journal of Latin American Studies. V. 50, N. 1 (2018): 87-115.
- Graziella Moraes Silva and Emiko Saldivar. "Comparing Racial Mixing Ideologies in Latin America: Brazil and Mexico" Sociologia & Antropologia. V.8, N.2 (2018): 427-456.
- Graziella Moraes Silva "After racial democracy: contemporary puzzles in race relations in Brazil, Latin America and beyond from a boundaries perspective" Current Sociology v. 64 (2016), p. 794-812.
- Graziella Moraes Silva and Matias López. "Brazilian people" in the eyes of elites: repertoires and symbolic boundaries of inequality. Sociologia & Antropologia V.5, N. 1 (2015): 157-182.
Book Chapters
- Graziella Moraes Silva, Michèle Lamont and Joshua Guetzkow “Research Questions, Research Designs and Explanations: Lessons from Getting Respect,” In: Janice D. Aurini, Melanie Heath, and Stephanie Howells. The How To of Qualitative Research, Second Edition. London: Sage, 2022, 45-49.
- Graziella Moraes Silva (with Matias López, Elisa P. Reis and Chana Teeger). “Elites’ Perceptions of Inequality: Who Supports Redistribution? Why, When and How?” IN Hujo, Katja, and Maggie Carter, eds. Between Fault Lines and Front Lines: Shifting Power in an Unequal World. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022., 2022, 151-175.
- Veronica Daflon, Silva, Graziella Moraes; Giraut, Camille. (2022), “Raça, Estado e burocracias: as comissões de heteroclassificação nas Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior”, in Flavia Rios; Luis Augusto Campos; R. G. de Lima. Raça & Estado. Rio de Janeiro, EDUERJ, 2022: 113-158.
- Graziella Moraes Silva “After Affirmative action: Redrawing color lines in Brazil” IN Hatzikidi, Katerina and Eduardo Dullo A Horizon of (im)possibilities: A Chronicle of Brazil’s Conservative Turn. University of London Press, 2021: 123-140.
- Graziella Moraes Silva “Race and Racisms: why and how to compare,” In: Solomos, John (ed) The Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Racisms. New York: Routledge, 2020: 67-77.
- Jaciane Milanezi and Graziella Moraes Silva “Silêncio - reagindo à saúde da população negra em burocracias do SUS” (Silence – reactions to the black population health policies among street level bureaucrats at the Brazilian Unified Health System) In: Pires, Roberto (ed) Implementando Desigualdades Reprodução de Desigualdades na Implementação de Políticas Públicas. Distrito Federal: IPEA, 2019: 441-462.
For the full list please see Prof Moraes Silva's CV