Global migration centre
21 February 2014

Conference: The Swiss vote against mass immigration, freedom of movement and international law: A preliminary assessment

The recent short victory of the ‘no’ to mass immigration in Switzerland raises several questions: How come a country with a successful economy says no to immigration? What are the implications of this vote beyond the issue of freedom of movement within the European Union?

  • Thursday 27 February
, Sala del Capitolo, Badia Fiesolana
 - 15:00-17:00

Presentation by Vincent Chetail, Professor of International Law and Director of the Global Migration Centre Graduate Institute Geneva

Chair: Philippe De Bruycker, Deputy Director of the Migration Policy Centre, RSCAS and Research Associate at the Global Migration Centre

Discussant: Adrienne Héritier, Professor of Comparative and European Public Policy, Political and Social Sciences Department, Director for Institutions at the European Democracy Observatory (EUDO), RSCAS



More info on the Website of the Migration Policy Centre