Global migration centre
23 June 2014

Armed Conflict and Forced Migration

Which human rights violations or war crimes allegations result in exclusion from the refugee regime? What human rights protections apply to someone declared an unlawful combatant? Which human rights obligations apply to the actions of armed forces acting abroad? Over the past ten years the content and application of international law in armed conflict has changed dramatically.

An authoritative and comprehensive study of the role of international law in armed conflicts, this Oxford Handbook of International Law in Armed Conflict engages in a broad analysis of international humanitarian law, human rights law, refugee law, international criminal law, environmental law, and the law on the use of force. With an international group of expert contributors, this book has a global, multi-disciplinary perspective on the place of law in war.

Among the contributors, Prof. Vincent Chetail has written a chapter entitled "Armed Conflict and Forced Migration: A Systematic Approach to International Humanitarian Law, Refugee Law, and International Human Rights Law".

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