20 February 2013

Accomplished alumni come back to class

Former students now officials in international organisations lecture in course by Prof. Arcand.

School is back in. The spring semester began this week and this term Professor Jean-Louis Arcand, who is also the Director of the Institute's new Centre for Finance and Development, has launched a course that will feature ten guest lecturers, all alumni who are prominent figures in international organisations.

The course is entitled “International Financial Flows to Developing Countries and Emerging Markets: Determinants, Impact and Policy Challenges (A Practitioners Perspective)”. Together, these 10 alumni have over two centuries of experience in their respective fields and come to the Institute from the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, and Autonomy Capital Research.

The course is geared toward students of international economics but is also open to students of other disciplines with requisite background knowledge. The guest lecturers include Corinne Deléchat, Anne-Marie Gulde, Thomas Helbling, Aurélie Martin, Paul Mathieu, Raju Singh, Piritta Sorsa, Luca Ricci, Sherry M. Stephenson, and Jaroslaw Wieczor.

Other recent cases of prominent alumni who have come back to the Institute to help students benefit from their experience have been Jakob Kellenberger, Immediate Past-President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, who will teach a course this semester entitled “Humanitarian Action: Framework and Practice” and Dr Cléopatra Doumbia Henry, Director of the International Labour Standards Department at the International Labour Organization, who taught a course last year.

The Institute extends its thanks to these alumni for giving back.