Research page
Global Migration Centre

Migration and Labor Market Inequality: The Role of Skills, Gender and Trade

The project aims to examine the relationship between inequality and migration by focusing on the factors that determine labor market inequalities, both on the demand and supply side.

About the project


The question how migrants cope in a context of increasing inequality will be explored in different dimensions: (1) the contributions of technology, trade and migration to the evolution of labor market inequalities; (2) the gender dimension in labor market outcomes of migrants.

Subproject 1: Trade, Technology, and Migration:

Research questions:  How do trade and technology affect labor market inequalities, distinguishing workers between natives and migrants and by skill levels?
Do the effects of immigration on the labor market differ in the presence of free trade?

Subproject 2: Labor Market, Migration, Gender, and Inequality

Research questions: How do natives and migrants’ labor-market participation and performance vary by gender and level of educational attainment? What are the changes over time?






ECA Talk on Forced Displacement


  • Date: June 23, 2022
  • Time: 10:00-11:30 AM EDT
  • Chair: Asli Demirgüç-Kunt, Chief Economist, Europe and Central Asia, World Bank
  • CONTACT: Ekaterina Ushakova
Project Team

Martina Viarengo (Graduate Institute) ; Tobias Müller (University of Geneva)

Funding Organisation


