This research project aimed at analysing the multifaceted interactions between extradition and exclusion from the refugee status under the Geneva Convention. The relationships between these two legal regimes were assessed on the basis of the relevant rules and practices from the perspectives of public international law, European Union law and comparative domestic law.
The research project was co-organized with the University of Lille and funded by the French Ministry of Justice and Liberties (Mission de recherche: Droit et Justice). An international conference gathering leading experts on this field was held on 23 November 2012. The outcome of the research project was published in 2014 with Bruylant: Vincent Chetail & Caroline Laly-Chevalier (eds), Asile et extradition. Théorie et pratique de l'exclusion au statut de réfugié, Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2014.