Grégoire Mallard and Jin Sun. 2022. “Viral Governance: How the US Unilateral Sanctions Against Iran Changed the Rules of Financial Capitalism,” American Journal of Sociology. 128(1): 144-188.
Farzan Sabet. 2022. “Sleeping beside the Elephant: The United States in Canada’s Middle East Policy.” Pp. 14-30 In Middle Power in the Middle East: Canada’s Foreign and Defence Policies in a Changing Region, edited by Thomas Juneau and Bessma Momani. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2022.
Grégoire Mallard and Aurel Niederberger. 2021. “Targeting Bad Apples or the Whole Barrel: Legal Entanglements Between Targeted and Comprehensive Logics in Counter-Proliferation Sanctions.” Pp in 229-259 in Entangled Legalities Beyond the State, edited by Nico Krisch. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Grégoire Mallard, Jin Sun and Erica Moret. 2021. “Le souci des populations sous sanctions : Un défi pour la gouvernance de la santé mondiale à l'ère du coronavirus.” Savoir / Agir. 56(2) : 21-27.
Karl Blanchet, Grégoire Mallard, Erica Moret, Jin Sun. (2021) "Sanctioned countries in the global COVID-19 vaccination campaign: the forgotten 70%". Conflict and Health 15, 69.
Grégoire Mallard and Anna Hanson. 2021. “Embedded Extra-Territoriality: US Judicial Litigation and the Global Banking Surveillance of Digital Money Flows.” Pp. 269-286 in Handbook on Unilateral and Extraterritorial Sanctions, edited by Charlotte Beaucillon. London: Edward Elgar.
Jin Sun. 2021. “International payment and settlement disputes in China including Hong Kong and Macau arising out of US/EU sanctions: sources, remedies and procedures” in Charlotte Beaucillon (ed.), The Research Handbook on Unilateral and Extraterritorial Sanctions, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Grégoire Mallard and Farzan Sabet. May 2021. “The JCPOA’s Compliance and Enforcement Framework.” Pp. 69-82, in From the Iran Nuclear Deal to a Middle East Zone? Lessons from the JCPOA for a Middle East WMD Free Zone". United Nations Institute on Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
Grégoire Mallard, Farzan Sabet and Jin Sun. 2020. “The Humanitarian Gap in the Global Sanctions Regime: Assessing Causes, Effects and Solutions.” Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations. 26(1):121-153.
This article received the International Geneva Award for best article from SNIS in 2020.