Research Associate, Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding, Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies
Pamina Firchow is Associate Professor of Coexistence and Conflict Resolution. She is interested in how the international community responds to conflicts and, in particular, how everyday people receive those interventions. Therefore she works on issues related to peacebuilding, transitional justice and reconciliation, as well as methodological questions related to measurement and monitoring and evaluation of international interventions in conflict-affected contexts. Professor Firchow's specific focus is on the role of concept formation in the measurement and evaluation of external interventions and how local people can be included in these processes.. Therefore, her work supports efforts that promote participatory numbers and mixed method research, such as the Everyday Peace Indicators, a major research program and 501c3 nonprofit working on participatory research and evaluation. The use of participatory statistics is used to make claims about the effectiveness of local level interventions after war in Firchow’s award winning monograph, Reclaiming Everyday Peace: Local Voices in Measurement and Evaluation after War (2018, Cambridge University Press). Firchow has published widely, including in top peer reviewed journals such as the International Journal of Transitional Justice, Sociological Methods and Research, PS Political Science, Action Research, International Studies Review, Human Rights Review, and Human Rights Practice. She regularly advises projects and programs within the World Bank, USIP, USAID, UN agencies and various non-profits globally. Professor Firchow completed her PhD in Development Studies at the Graduate Institute in 2009.
Areas of expertise include:
- Conflict Response
- Peacebuilding & Reconciliation
- Development, cooperation and aid policies
- Human Security
- Measurement
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Localization
Languages spoken: English, German, Spanish, Italian
Contact: pfirchow@brandeis.edu, paminafirchow.org