Between COVID-19 and social mobilisations, the year 2020 has witnessed unprecedented shifts in security discourses, practices and configurations on local, national and global levels. The online workshop series “Anthropologies and Securities in the Pandemic” draws on various anthropologies, civil society and practitioners around the topic of security amidst these sanitary, social, political, economic and other crises. The outcome will be the creation of an interactive online platform that seeks to cultivate a systematic and long-term dialogue between the different anthropology networks.
This series is hosted by the CCDP of the Graduate Institute Geneva, and sponsored by the GANGS-project.
The one-day virtual launching event “Security and the Pandemic: Global Perspectives” will take place on January 28, 2021.
Morning Session: Covid-19 and turmoil: experiences from the field
Confirmed speakers:
Igor Mitchnik (“Drukarnia” Civil Society Center, Eastern Ukraine),
Preethi Nallu (multimedia journalist, Beirut, Lebanon),
Macarena Maggi (ex-Spokesperson for The Autonomous Intersectional Feminist Movement of the Universidad Católica of Chile) & María Ignacia Henríquez Pinto (President of the Student Federation of the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile)
Afternoon Session: Anthropologies of Security: dealing with multiple crises
Confirmed speakers:
Victoria Goddard (Goldsmiths University of London),
Steffen Bo Jensen (Aalborg University),
Monika Weissensteiner (University of Kent),
Alexandra Schwell (University Klagenfurt)
Ana Ivasiuc (Philipps University Marburg),
Fiona Murphy (Queens University Belfast),
Ehler Voss (University of Bremen, tbc)
Thomas Hylland Eriksen (University of Oslo),
Lene Swetzer (IHEID),
Samira Marty (University of Oslo/ IHEID)
Upcoming Events*
25.02.2021: State (and) Power in the Pandemic
25.03.2021: Social Movements, Mass Mobilisations and Protest in Pandemic Times
22.04.2021: Urban Livelihoods and Everyday Life in Pandemic Times
*A call for papers will open in early January 2021
For further information please contact: