The evaluation concluded that the CPS is a valuable instrument that, however, needs to be substantially strengthened in profile and operations in order for its potential to be harnessed and for the CPS to become a more significant actor within the framework of Germany’s peacebuilding and development policies.
The CPS has its focus on civil society peacebuilding. The CPS with its local partners has helped to make the voices of ordinary people heard at the local level and, in a few cases, even beyond. The CPS is first and foremost an instrument for the deployment of experts. The core added value of sending international experts to conflict countries is the outsider perspective.
Over the last decade, CPS experts have clearly strengthened the peacebuilding potential of CPS partners. However, the current main practice of CPS expert deployment (one CPS expert per partner) is not sufficiently oriented towards the needs of partners. Hence, other means of deployment as well as as other forms of support have to be introduced.
CPS projects have achieved a number of positive changes, mostly at the local level. However, much more could be achieved for local people if the programme reach were enlarged to encompass a much broader level of intervention, both locally and nationally. Among the countries assessed, only one country programme as a whole was highly effective (Cambodia) and two are likely to become effective in the future (Burundi, Niger) if they broaden their outreach.
Use of evaluation results
In early 2011 the CPS group and the BMZ unit on peace and security have started a process to implement the recommendations of the CCDP evaluation. They have formed four committees focussing on different aspects of the recommendations. The stakeholders have given themselves a time frame of two years to implement the evaluation results.
The methodological report has been distributed at the OECD/DAC and examples from the CCDP methodology have been used as good practise to enrich the new OECD/DAC Guidance on evaluation in conflict affected and fragile contexts.