Research page
Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy

Europe-Cuba Forum

Project Lead: Anna Ayuso (CIDOB), Yanina Welp

Duration: 2018-2022

Keywords: Cuba, Europe, Economy, Political Reform, International Relations

Researchers: Anna Ayuso (CIDOB), Vilma Hidalgo (University of Havana), José Antonio Alonso (UCM); Bert Hoffmann (GIGA), Laurence Whitehead (GIGA), Yanina Welp, (ADHC), Raynier Pellon (CIPI), Marie Laure Geoffray (Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3); Elisa Botella (USAL), José Chofre (University of Alicante), Katarzina Dembicz (University of Warsaw), Susanne Gratius (UAM).

Funding Organisation: Erasmus + and Jean Monnet program

The Europe-Cuba Forum is an initiative that began in 2017 and involves a consortium of 11 leading institutions with consolidated experience in researching Cuban affairs and relations between Europe and Cuba. The project aims to give impetus to the new stage of constructive engagement in relations between Cuba and the European Union (EU) following the signing of the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement (PDCA) in December 2016. It will engage from an academic perspective, but also provide proposals for action. Through the PDCA the EU becomes a privileged partner for Cuba that is willing to cooperate in the reform process and to accompany the country in the new phase of opening up and change begun by the Raúl Castro government and continued by his successor, Miguel Díaz-Canel.

The agreement will improve cooperation and permit greater Cuban integration in EU-Caribbean relations and in the regional programmes of the EU-CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) strategic partnership.Common methodology and shared research between Cuban and European academic centres and institutions will promote the exchange of mutual experiences in terms of structural reforms, regional integration, socioeconomic modernisation and interregionalism.