Stefan Germann


Chief Executive Officer, Fondation Botnar
Senior Fellow, Global Health Centre, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Stefan Germann, is the Director for Global Health Partnerships, Innovation and Accountability, Sustainable Health Global Program, for World Vision International and serves as well as the Executive Director of One Goal, a new Asian initiated multi stakeholder effort to mobilize major global sports associations in support of child health and nutrition. He has over 15 years working experience in Africa, including managing a hospital in Zimbabwe and over 5 years experience in Asia. A Swiss National, he currently is living in Malaysia. He serves on several boards, including the WHO hosted Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH) and the UBS Optimus Foundation.

His work focuses on tri-sector collaboration for child health and nutrition and the role of none state actors in global health and global health diplomacy in particular. The policy, partnership brokering, innovation and training activities of his work programme are designed to engage none traditional actors, such as major global sports associations, in the area of global health with an increasing focus on NCD prevention for children and adolescents. Additionally, he is actively engaged in enhancing stakeholder accountability in women's and children's health and was instrumental in engaging with the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) to enhance the role of parliaments in domestic health accountability as part of community based social accountability feedback loops for Health and Community Systems Strengthening efforts. As a former lecturer in African urbanization and its impact of child well being, at the Nelson Mandela Metro University, South Africa, he continues to have a keen interest in urban health issues.

He has extensive experience in global health diplomacy, leading the World Vision International delegation to the World Health Assembly for several years, and in that capacity was intensely involved in negotiations as a none state actor in several resolutions. Further, he was part of the strategy working group to develop the UN Secretary General's global strategy for Women and Children's health (Every Women Every Child) in 2010 and a technical advisor on the UN and WHO hosted Commission on Information and Accountability for Women's and Children's health. He has a DPhil in Development studies, a MSc in Social Policy & NGO Management and is currently completing (May 2015) an inaugural Masters Program at Singapore Management University in Tri-Sector Collaboration.