12 December 2018

Bern Chapter

Cédric Tille invited to speak at the 14th Bern Chapter reception

As part of the 14th annual Bern Chapter reception—organised for our alumni, the diplomatic community and friends— Cédric Tille, Professor of International Economics, gave a talk on "Ten Years After the Financial Crisis: What Have We Learnt?" The talk was held at the Hotel Bellevue Palace on Monday, 3 December and attended by around 80 people, including many ambassadors, all of whom were invited on behalf of Philippe Burrin, Director of the Graduate Institute.


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Rosmarie Schlup moderated the event. In addition to being an alumna of the Institute, Mrs Schlup is also Head of the Macroeconomic Support Division at the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).

Chapter Co-presidents, Dea Rolih (’06) and Thierry Beyeler (’09) used the occasion as an opportunity to reignite the chapter and its activities. We thank them for their continued engagement!