Phd thesis
PhD Thesis Title: National and Regional Narratives on the International Law on Climate Change
PhD Completion Date: 2027
PhD Supervisor & Co-Supervisor: Prof. Alice Pirlot (First) & Prof. Janne Nijman (Second)
Michiel Hoornick is a current PhD candidate in International Law at the Graduate Institute on International and Development Studies in Geneva (IHEID), Switzerland. Previously, he worked as a researcher at the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies in Belgium and as a programme officer at the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion. He also builds on previous experiences at the UNHCR headquarters in Geneva and the Netherlands Permanent Mission to the UN in New York. Michiel holds Master degrees in International and European Law from Tilburg University, the Netherlands and IHEID, Switzerland.
Publications and Works
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Wouters J. and Hoornick M. November 2023. ‘The Triangle of Human Rights, International Law, and Sustainable Development’ in Siobhán McInerney-Lankford and Robert McCorquodale, the Roles of International Law in Development (OUP).
- Marx, A., Pertiwi, S. B., Depoorter, C., Hoornick, M., Mursitama, T. N., Otteburn, K. and Arnakim, L. Y. 2021. ‘What Role for Regional Organisations in Goal-Setting Global Governance? An Analysis of the Role of the EU and ASEAN in the SDGs. Global Public Policy and Governance.
- Hoornick, M. 2020. ‘Addressing Statelessness through the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (“ICERD”)’. The Statelessness and Citizenship Review 2 (2): 222–47.
Reports, Blogs and Book Reviews
- Hoornick, M. and Ling, B. 31 January 2023. ‘Book Review of Pacific Voices and Climate Change by Prof. Niki J. P. Alsford (ed.)’ EATS News.
- Hoornick M. 2022. ‘The Human Rights Council’s Failure to Protect Uyghurs in China—for Now | L’échec Du Conseil Des Droits de L’homme à Protéger Les Ouïghours En Chine - Pour L’instant | El Consejo de Derechos Humanos no Protege por Ahora a Los Uigures en China’ OpenGlobalRights.
- Lilienthal, S., Hoornick, M., Hariharan, M. 2022. ‘Combatting Ghost Fishing and Marine Pollution: Introducing a Sustainable Fishing Gear Certificate’ SDG Knowledge Hub.
- Hoornick M and Marx A. 2021. ‘Sustainable Trade in Central and East Africa: An Assessment of the Integration of Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda in Sustainable Trade Initiatives’ (KLIMSEC Working Paper 2; GGS).
- Hoornick, M. 2020. ‘The Statelessness-Trafficking Nexus. A Case Study in Thailand’. The Newsletter 87 Autumn 2020 | IIAS, 2020.
- Marx, A., Pertiwi, S. B., Depoorter, C., Hoornick, M., Mursitama, T. N., Otteburn, K. and Arnakim, L. Y. 2020. ‘Case-Study on the UN Development Policy’. Horizon 2020 Framework. GLOBE – The European Union and the Future of Global Governance.
Other Work Experience
- Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion. March 2023, ‘Statelessness and the Third Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review’.
- Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion. 2020. ‘Addressing Statelessness Through UN Human Rights Frameworks’. The World’s Stateless: Deprivation of Nationality: 19-31.